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Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure in italiano (Coursera)

This course introduces you to important concepts and terminology for working with Google Cloud Platform (GCP). You learn about, and compare, many of the computing and storage services available in Google Cloud Platform, including Google App Engine, Google Compute Engine, Google Kubernetes Engine, Google Cloud Storage, Google Cloud SQL, [...]

Six Sigma Tools for Analyze (Coursera)

This course will cover the Measure phase and portions of the Analyze phase of the Six Sigma DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) process. You will learn about lean tools for process analysis, failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), measurement system analysis (MSA) and gauge repeatability and reproducibility [...]

Marketing Management I (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn how businesses create value for customers. We will examine the process by which Marketing builds on a thorough understanding of buyer behavior to create value. You will learn the major elements of the marketing mix - product policy, channels of distribution, communication, and [...]

Fundamentos del Emprendimiento: Pensamiento y Acción (Coursera)

El éxito en los negocios puede aumentar enormemente cuando se comprenden las características de emprendimiento claves y las soluciones basadas en las competencias. En este curso interactivo se brinda el conocimiento que los emprendedores potenciales necesitan para tener éxito en una oportunidad [...]

Essentials of Entrepreneurship: Thinking & Action (Coursera)

Success in business can be greatly enhanced with an understanding of key entrepreneurial characteristics and competencies solutions. This interactive course provides potential entrepreneurs with the knowledge of succeeding in an entrepreneurial opportunity. Topics include: how creativity, opportunity and feasibility are best evaluated; business strategies for new businesses; [...]

Investments I: Fundamentals of Performance Evaluation (Coursera)

In this course, we will discuss fundamental principles of trading off risk and return, portfolio optimization, and security pricing. We will study and use risk-return models such as the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and multi-factor models to evaluate the performance of various securities and portfolios. Specifically, we will [...]

Preparing Data for Analysis with Microsoft Excel (Coursera)

This course forms part of the Microsoft Power BI Analyst Professional Certificate. This Professional Certificate consists of a series of courses that offers a good starting point for a career in data analysis using Microsoft Power BI. In this course, you’ll learn how to make use of Excel in [...]

Sistem Operasi dan Anda: Menjadi Pengguna yang Berdaya (Coursera)

Dalam materi ini — melalui kombinasi pembelajaran melalui video, demonstrasi, dan praktik langsung — Anda akan belajar tentang komponen utama sistem operasi dan cara melakukan sejumlah tugas penting seperti mengelola perangkat lunak dan pengguna, serta mengonfigurasi perangkat keras.

Keamanan IT: Pertahanan terhadap Kejahatan Digital (Coursera)

Pelatihan ini membahas berbagai macam konsep, alat, dan praktik terbaik dari keamanan IT. Di sini akan diperkenalkan ancaman dan serangan dan berbagai cara kemunculan mereka. Kami akan memberi Anda beberapa latar belakang algoritma enkripsi dan bagaimana mereka digunakan untuk melindungi data. Kemudian, kami akan membahas lebih jauh tentang “tiga [...]