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Nutrition, Exercise and Sports (edX)

Learn about Nutrition, Exercise and Sports and understand how nutrition can support exercise and sports performance. Are you involved in sports and do you want to have a better understanding of the role of nutrition on performance and health? Do you want to learn whether certain nutritional strategies could [...]

Nutrition and Cancer (edX)

Discover the latest insights on the role of diet, nutrition and lifestyle in the prevention, occurrence and progression of cancer. Is cancer partly preventable through a healthy diet? Cancer has overtaken cardiovascular disease (CVD) as the leading cause of death in many parts of the world. It causes one [...]

Nutrition and Health: Human Microbiome (edX)

Learn how you can impact your health by balancing your gut health; how your microbiome together with your diet can improve normal gut function. A balanced microbiome and nutritional intake can avoid disorders like IBS, obesity and diabetes.

Nutrition and Health: Micronutrients and Malnutrition (edX)

Learn about malnutrition and micronutrients and how they impact human health. There is an overload of information about nutrition and health, but what is the truth and what can you do to improve the health of your patients? Learn more about nutrition and how our diet profoundly impacts our [...]

Circular Fashion: Design, Science and Value in a Sustainable Clothing Industry (edX)

The fundamentals of circular fashion unraveled, learn about circularity in all steps of the fashion value chain. From new textile materials and circular design all the way to business modelling. The fashion industry has a large influence on the global economy and is more and more known for its [...]

Economics and Policies in a Biobased Economy (edX)

Lead your company to make the switch to biobased resources and build a profitable sustainable business. Learn how to deal with the economics and policies governing this transition and the implementation and learn how to measure the outcome.

From Fossil Resources to Biomass: A Chemistry Perspective (edX)

Explore how to create a sustainable future by moving away from dependence on fossil resources to biomass resources for the production of food, chemicals and energy-carriers. Discover how to use microorganisms and catalysts to create biobased products.

Business Strategy and Operations in a Biobased Economy (edX)

Lead your company to make the switch to biobased resources and build a profitable sustainable business. Learn how to deal with the many strategic and operational challenges facing a company in the biobased and circular economy.

Circular Economy: An Interdisciplinary Approach (edX)

Join the transition towards a circular economy considering economic, supply chain, social, technical, managerial and environmental aspects. Do you want to contribute to a more sustainable society? Tackle the challenges in the transition towards a circular economy? In this course you will analyze what it takes to create a [...]

Plant Based Diets: Food for a Sustainable Future (edX)

When you hear of the enormous global challenges we face, don’t you wish you could actually do something about it? Well, you can! Grab an apple as we explore the science behind Plant Based Diets and discover the impact you can have, by simply ‘going (more) plant based’.