Time Management

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Trabaja inteligentemente, no más duro: Gestión del tiempo para la productividad personal y profesional (Coursera)

Podrás aplicar los conocimientos que adquieras en cuanto a conciencia personal y profesional, organización y compromiso, y utilizar las herramientas, técnicas y métodos aprendidos para fijarte metas, jerarquizar tareas, programar y delegar, todo con el fin de superar las dificultades asociadas a la gestión del tiempo y mejorar la [...]

Series Orientation: Transforming Education (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Series Orientation: Transforming Education (Coursera)
Free Course
Series Orientation welcomes learners to the Transforming Education series, introduces Self-Directed/Community-Supported Learning as our core instructional design, and positions learners for success as aspiring change agents.

Personal Productivity, Time Management and Prioritization (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Personal Productivity, Time Management and Prioritization (Coursera)
Course Auditing
The "Personal Productivity & Time Management" course offers a comprehensive guide to enhance learners' productivity and time management skills. Emphasizing the crucial role of organization, the course covers various aspects, including workspace arrangements, task management, and time prioritization, enabling learners to strike a balance between daily responsibilities and long-term [...]

Skills to Succeed at University (FutureLearn)

Apr 22nd 2024
Skills to Succeed at University (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Prepare for university and master academic skills that are essential for undergraduates studying in the UK. Get a head start with your undergraduate studies by learning key academic skills. This two-week course is designed by experienced educators at the University of Leeds to help you transition to higher education [...]

Programación y presupuesto del proyecto (Coursera)

En este curso, aprenderás los principios fundamentales de la gestión del tiempo y costo en las etapas de planificación. Se identificarán las actividades del proyecto a partir de la EDT, se establecerá la secuencia, recursos y duración necesarios para finalmente desarrollar el cronograma detallado del proyecto. [...]

Church Administration Theology and Time Management (Coursera)

As church pastors and leaders, how should you manage Christian church administration? Shouldn’t Christian theology matter in church administration? If so, how? At the same time, how should you utilize management principles and techniques to make your church a more faithful church, rather than turning it into a secular [...]

Potenciando mi aprendizaje en el primer año de Universidad (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Potenciando mi aprendizaje en el primer año de Universidad (Coursera)
Course Auditing
El propósito del curso es acompañar a los estudiantes de primer año a potenciar sus aprendizajes, con la finalidad de fomentar una buena experiencia en la universidad. Lo anterior se realiza a través de un auto- diagnóstico y de la familiarización con distintas estrategias de estudio, de gestión del [...]

Time Management for Beginners (edX)

Today, people find it hard to get time. There is so much to do and so little time on hand. Interestingly, we all have the same time, and we all have 24-hour days. It depends on how you use that time. We cannot store time, nor can we borrow [...]

Stress Management (edX)

Self Paced
Stress Management (edX)
Course Auditing
Stress Management is to deal effectively with stress and entails achieving Physical and Psychological well-being by addressing and harmonising these areas for optimal well-being.

Taking Charge with Care (edX)

There is never a second chance to make a first impression – and so getting off to a good start is an essential element of an exceptional manager’s journey. This course is focused on the challenge of taking charge and effectively making the transition from peer to manager while [...]