Critical Thinking

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Structured Approach to Problem Solving (Coursera)

This course is an introductory course that equips you with the concepts and tools of problem thinking. This course also acts as the first stepping-stone for aspiring data scientists.

GenAI for Everyone (Coursera)

This course will explore the various aspects of Generative AI or GenAI. This introductory "GenAI for Everyone" course informs you about the different capabilities of GenAI. By the end of this course, you will be able to discuss the fundamentals of GenAI, discuss some of the applications of GenAI [...]

Leveraging Design Methods to Identify Business Opportunities (Coursera)

This exciting online course helps you understand design methods and how to use them to identify business opportunities. It starts by focusing on the importance of design in a changing world by examining VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) and the 4Cs (critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity). It [...]

The ABC of sustainability (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
The ABC of sustainability (Coursera)
Course Auditing
The sustainability agenda is currently key to companies, governments and citizens. It’s vital for people to have first-hand knowledge of the basic concepts in order to understand all issues related to sustainability as a vector of systemic change in the economy, society, companies and our lives. The course is [...]

Pensamento Crítico, Lógica e Argumentação (Coursera)

Depois de concluir este curso, o aluno estará equipado com ferramentas para analisar a validade e a força de todos os tipos de declarações e argumentos, de propaganda a artigos de opinião na política e na mídia, veredictos de tribunais e debate geral.

Diversity and Belonging in Businesses and Organizations (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Diversity and Belonging in Businesses and Organizations (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Diversity and Belonging in Businesses and Organizations will help you as an individual, as a team, and an organization to better understand and implement policies and practices that emphasize and promote not only the inclusion but the belonging of all employees.

Pensamiento crítico: toma de decisiones razonadas (Coursera)

Tomar decisiones en el mundo de hoy, un mundo en creciente complejidad, con amplios cambios e incertidumbre, crea la necesidad de contar con aproximaciones que nos permitan discernir los verdaderos problemas y las causas que los originan. Identificar cuáles son estos problemas, requiere en la mayoría de los casos, [...]

Exercer son esprit critique à l’ère informationnelle (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Exercer son esprit critique à l’ère informationnelle (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Aujourd’hui, notamment du fait de l’essor des technologies, nous sommes en permanence assaillis par une multitude d'informations. Pourtant, beaucoup d’entre elles semblent peu fiables voire volontairement mensongères, comme les fake news. Ainsi, même si nous n’avons jamais été aussi bien informés qu’avec Internet et les réseaux sociaux, la société [...]

Comic Books, Geek Culture, and the Fandom Imaginary (Coursera)

"Comic Books, Geek Culture, and the Fandom Imaginary" explores some of the conventional framings of “fandom” (from comic book obsessives to cosplayers) and the cultural histories that sustain it. It also explores the dark side of these dynamics, looking at what can happen when fandom turns toxic in pop [...]

Fandom, Community, and Identity in Popular Music (Coursera)

In "Fandom, Community, and Identity in Popular Music," you will explore the intersections of fandom and popular culture using pop music as a framework. You will apply your skills of self-reflection and close reading/analysis to a few case studies of pop musicians and the ways in which their art [...]