Business Model Canvas

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Entrepreneurial Competencies for Landscape Restoration (Coursera)

Dec 2nd 2024
Entrepreneurial Competencies for Landscape Restoration (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course, we will help you to become an entrepreneurial professional by developing and cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset yourself.

Capstone Course: Start Up Your Fintech Future (Coursera)

Dec 2nd 2024
Capstone Course: Start Up Your Fintech Future (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This is the final course in the Fintech Emerging Markets specialization. This course assumes you have completed the first three courses of this specialization. For this capstone project, you will need to prepare a business model canvas and pitch for your startup. This will involve identifying opportunities for a [...]

¿Cómo construir mi modelo de negocio? (Coursera)

Este curso te ofrece desarrollar un modelo de negocio estructurado, con base en la metodología del Canvas Business Model, para crear una propuesta de valor orientada a los diferentes segmentos identificados como mercado objetivo de tu negocio o empresa.

Setting a Generative AI Strategy (Coursera)

Nov 25th 2024
Setting a Generative AI Strategy (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course, we delve into the potential impact of GenAI on various facets of business with a particular focus on customer value creation and productivity. We’ll review research from leaders in academia and industry to understand emerging thinking on GenAI’s business impact. Imagine a future where GenAI not [...]

Leveraging Design Methods to Identify Business Opportunities (Coursera)

This exciting online course helps you understand design methods and how to use them to identify business opportunities. It starts by focusing on the importance of design in a changing world by examining VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) and the 4Cs (critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity). It [...]

Empreendedorismo e Inovação (Coursera)

Nov 25th 2024
Empreendedorismo e Inovação (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Empreendedorismo e Inovação. Neste curso, você aprenderá sobre os elementos centrais para organizações inovarem. Também se apresentará o essencial para se compreender o processo empreendedor.

Launching Your Music Career (Coursera)

After you've acquired the various tools and strategies to build your music career, it's time to put those skills to work! In this course, you will acquire the skills to manage a variety of professional endeavors including self-management, freelance performing, and launching a private lesson studio. Perfect for the [...]

Planificación y gestión estratégica para Pymes (Coursera)

Este curso fue diseñado para apoyar a empresarios de distintas regiones y países, a que logren desarrollar e implementar estrategias adecuadas que les permitan alcanzar sus objetivos y cumplir su misión. El curso permite profundizar sobre el proceso de formulación de una estrategia, entregando conceptos y algunas herramientas para [...]

The entrepreneur's guide for beginners (Coursera)

Nov 25th 2024
The entrepreneur's guide for beginners (Coursera)
Course Auditing
The Entrepreneur's Guide for beginners and is a course created in collaboration with all Catalan public universities and EIT Health and aims to be the starting point for all those who want to improve their knowledge and skills in the world entrepreneurship. In this course you will be able [...]

Building Fintech Startups in Emerging Markets (Coursera)

Starting a small business in an emerging market can be very rewarding. Many of entrepreneurship opportunities in emerging markets arise out of necessity, or the drive to solve a real need or a social problem. Thus emerging markets often offer huge opportunities for disruptive innovation. Entrepreneurship has contributed to [...]