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Foundations of Modern Finance II (edX)

Jan 3rd 2024
Foundations of Modern Finance II (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn fundamental principles of modern finance, including valuation models, methods for risk analysis, derivative instruments and investment management. Many of the most important financial decisions in business are done under uncertainty. This is the second course in the Foundations of Modern Finance series of courses, as part of the [...]

Grabar y mezclar música (edX)

Conoce y práctica las técnicas y herramientas que necesita un productor musical para escribir y producir su propia música. Este curso de producción musical se concentrará en escribir una canción en la que trabajarás en las próximas cuatro semanas.

Producción musical y su efecto en la composición (edX)

Exploraremos cómo el proceso de producir música interactúa con los elementos de la composición de la música que se está produciendo. En este curso de producción musical aprenderás sobre el proceso de producción y cómo este está relacionado directamente con la composición, conocerás lo que pasa en un estudio [...]

Crear música con tecnología (edX)

Aprende sobre el proceso de producción de música y tecnología musical -incluyendo la grabación, la edición y la mezcla- y sobre las herramientas disponibles para crear música contemporánea en tu computadora. El curso de producción musical comenzará con algo de información sobre la naturaleza del sonido y la forma [...]

Music For Wellness (edX)

Learn how music can help reduce stress and improve your health, and well-being. You love music. You listen to music all the time. Maybe you sing, play an instrument, or compose music. You don’t need to have musical talent to use music to enhance your well being, and even your health.

Introduction to Music Theory (edX)

Learn key concepts and approaches needed to understand, create, and perform contemporary music. Do you have a passion for music and want to learn more about how it works? Are you a musician who learned by ear and has no formal training? Would you like to study music but [...]

Creativity & Entrepreneurship (edX)

Learn skills and listen to examples from world-renown entrepreneurs and innovators as they discuss the parallels between the creative and entrepreneurial journeys -- and why entrepreneurship, much like music or creativity, is something we all possess. Creativity & Entrepreneurship will help you tap into your inner creativity and learn [...]

Vocal Recording Technology (edX)

Explore emerging innovations in vocal production, audio engineering, recording, and mixing. We are in the midst of an explosion of musical creativity as a result of technologies that allow you to record music using your laptop or tablet. Whether you are a singer, music producer, audio engineer, or just [...]

Introduction to the Music Business (edX)

Learn the latest about the rapidly changing music industry from recording, publishing, and distribution to legal issues confronting music commerce. Three things are clear about today’s music industry: The consumption of music is expanding at the greatest rate in history and from the most portals ever imagined, the cost [...]

Big Data for Agri-Food: Principles and Tools (edX)

As the big data era unfolds, developments in sensor and information technologies are evolving quickly. As a result, science and businesses are yielding enormous amounts of data. Yet, to reap the actionable business solutions data can unveil, we must learn to ask the right questions. Join Wageningen Wageningen University [...]