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Our Earth's Future (Coursera)

Our Earth’s Future is about the science of climate change and how to talk about it. You will learn from scientists in the fields of climatology, oceanography, Earth science, and anthropology who study how climate change is affecting people, populations, and ways of life. Explore the multiple lines of [...]

Oceanografía: una clave para entender mejor nuestro mundo (Coursera)

En este curso, el estudiante aprenderá las bases de la ciencia oceanográfica. Cómo se clasifica y se ha formado el fondo marino, cómo funcionan los actuales sistemas de análisis del mar por satélite, la química del océano y los procesos que han llevado a su formación.

Estrategias para ganar. Meteorología en la vuelta al mundo (Coursera)

Tanto si eres o no aficionado a la navegación, en este curso aprenderás cuáles son los principales motores del tiempo en la Tierra y lo que los navegantes deben saber de ellos. Conocerás cuáles son las bases de la meteorología oceánica, cómo se generan los archivos digitales a partir [...]

Climate Change in Arctic Environments (edX)

Learn about climate change in the Arctic from America’s Arctic University. This MOOC covers modern climate science and the impacts of climate change across atmospheric, marine, terrestrial and human systems.

The Living Amazon: Science, Cultures and Sustainability in Practice (edX)

Learn about the importance of the Amazon at local and global scales, the threats the region faces, and how sustainable development can help save its extraordinary biodiversity and peoples for current and future generations.

Sustainable Development Goal 15: Life On Land (CanopyLAB)

Self Paced
Sustainable Development Goal 15: Life On Land (CanopyLAB)
Free Course
Humans rely heavily on agriculture, both as an economic resource and for social development. It is what brings food to the table and it is also an important source of income for many families and countries, especially in Africa and Latin America. At the same time, natural resources such [...]

Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water (CanopyLAB)

Self Paced
Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water (CanopyLAB)
Free Course
You might not constantly think about it, but oceans are a crucial part of the ecosystem that makes Earth habitable for humans. More than half of the oxygen we breathe comes from algae, and the oceans absorb a large amount of the carbon dioxide released by human activities, thus [...]

Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action (CanopyLAB)

Self Paced
Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action (CanopyLAB)
Free Course
This course aims to give you an introduction to Goal 13, including a deep-dive into the magnitude of the problems caused by climate change, what needs to be done, and what progress has been made to address it. While Goal 13 emphasizes actions at high levels such as national [...]

Food, the Connector of Life (CanopyLAB)

Without food, there would be no life. Without life, there would be no food. Is it a positive or negative loop? The answer makes the difference between eating for survival and eating to thrive. Learn how our decisions about how to feed ourselves continue to shape our culture, our [...]