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Touring 101 for Musicians (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Touring 101 for Musicians (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Have you ever dreamed of taking your music on the road? Becoming a touring musician can be an essential step for many aspiring musicians. Live performances account for 60-80 percent of musicians income, but touring also has other benefits for a musician’s career.

Building Your Artistic Brand (Coursera)

In a world where musical content of all kinds can be found anywhere and everywhere, developing a distinctive artistic brand is critical to any musician's professional success. Whether you're an emerging professional musician or a seasoned pro looking to up your game, you will gain knowledge of basic marketing [...]

Launching Your Music Career (Coursera)

After you've acquired the various tools and strategies to build your music career, it's time to put those skills to work! In this course, you will acquire the skills to manage a variety of professional endeavors including self-management, freelance performing, and launching a private lesson studio. Perfect for the [...]

Strategies for Success in your Music Career (Coursera)

The Musician's Professional Toolbox is more than just a collection of career-building skills: professional musicians need strategies in place that maximize the impact of those skills. Designed for musicians at any point in their career, this course will provide learners with foundational skills necessary for managing your professional music [...]

Promotional Materials Every Musician Needs (Coursera)

They say that first impressions are the strongest, and that is definitely true in the arts! The materials you create to communicate who you are and why you're special are critical to your professional success. This course will provide you with the skills to generate effective promotional materials you [...]

So You Think You Know Tango? (Coursera)

How well do you think you know tango? This two-week mini-course is designed for music lovers, musicians, and dancers who are interested in learning more about the Argentine Tango. It will explore the many dimensions of the Argentine Tango music, including its origins, popularization during the Golden Age, dissemination [...]

The Music of the Beatles (Coursera)

The Music of the Beatles will track the musical development of the band, starting from the earliest days in Liverpool and Hamburg, moving through the excitement of Beatlemania, the rush of psychedelia, and the maturity of Abbey Road. While the focus will be on the music, we will also [...]

Princípios Gerais da Técnica do Violino e da Viola de Arco (Coursera)

Esse curso visa fornecer informações sobre aspectos básicos da técnica do violino e da viola de arco. Ao longo de 18 aulas, com duração média de 7 minutos cada, serão abordados temas como posicionamento do instrumento, maneiras de posicionar a mão esquerda, como segurar o arco, como executar os [...]

Music and Social Action (Coursera)

What is a musician’s response to the condition of the world? Do musicians have an obligation and an opportunity to serve the needs of the world with their musicianship? At a time of crisis for the classical music profession, with a changing commercial landscape, a shrinking audience base, and [...]

Artistic Research in Music – an Introduction (edX)

Self Paced
Artistic Research in Music – an Introduction (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn about the topics, issues, and approaches of artistic research in music – research in and through musical practice - vital to today’s musicians and music culture. Artistic research (AR) is one of the most vibrant areas of creative thought in music – in the academic and professional worlds, [...]