Global Challenge

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Global Politics (Coursera)

The course explains why international studies originating from the West are currently evolving towards a planetary approach to World politics, with a particular focus on global order and local disorders. Thinking globally helps explain new linkages between changes in the natural environment (demography, climate) and transformations of institutional designs. [...]

The Great Sustainability Transition: Global challenges, Local actions (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
The Great Sustainability Transition: Global challenges, Local actions (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Drastic shifts are needed. Get the knowledge and skills to take local action. Setting the stage: Why do we care? Learn about sustainability and staying with the environmental boundaries of our planet. Understand the effects of growing affluence and population growth, and the key challenges we are facing. [...]

Global Impact: Business Ethics (Coursera)

Global business ethics is the study and analysis of how ethics and global business are connected. How we should treat each other and our organizations in global and local contexts is the topic of this course. Business ethics and corporate responsibility are inherent in global commerce. Commerce [...]

Air Pollution – a Global Threat to our Health (Coursera)

We all have to breathe to live. But the air we breathe is polluted both outdoors and indoors. Each year, this pollution costs 7 million lives across the globe – and a lot of suffering. 1 in 8 deaths is due to air pollution. This course will provide you [...]

Global Challenges in Business Capstone (Coursera)

The capstone for the Global Challenges in Business specialization will provide a learning experience that integrates across all the courses within that specialization. It will involve analysis of a situation concerning an actual business with a view to work toward a global stakeholder engagement business plan for introduction of [...]

Global Challenges for a Sustainable Society (edX)

Self Paced
Global Challenges for a Sustainable Society (edX)
Course Auditing
Our society today is facing many challenges: climate change, hunger, inequality,… But what is the current state of these issues? How did we get here? How are all these challenges connected? And what are different possibilities to move towards a more sustainable future?

Vision 2030 (edX)

Humanity is facing major global challenges and contradictions: increasing wealth but growing inequality; overconsumption on the one hand; malnutrition on the other; rising economic growth and extreme environmental degradation. Where can we start to solve these problems?

Environmental Gamechanger – Lead the Way to Sustainable Development (edX)

Self Paced
Environmental Gamechanger – Lead the Way to Sustainable Development (edX)
Course Auditing
Do you wish you could have an actual, tangible impact on global challenges, like climate change and pollution? Do you know of concrete issues in your community that need to change for the better, but no-one is taking on the challenge? Then let this online course empower you to [...]

Discovering Science: Global Challenges (FutureLearn)

Can chemistry help to feed a growing population, or overcome increasing bacterial resistance? Find out how the Penicillin class of antibiotics has been a major breakthrough in the treatment of patients. However, with bacteria developing efficient ways of resisting antibiotic treatment, discover how scientists are treating patients with infections [...]

The Great Sustainability Transition: Global Challenges, Local Actions (FutureLearn)

Jan 16th 2023
The Great Sustainability Transition: Global Challenges, Local Actions (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Discover how global environmental crises are connected, their impacts, and how to take action in your local community. Learn from experts in environmental science at Leiden University. We are living in an era of unprecedented environmental change. As a result, we are experiencing biodiversity loss, climate change, and overuse [...]