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Gestão de produtos digitais: Princípios básicos modernos (Coursera)

Há pouco tempo, o trabalho do gerente de produto era avaliar dados de mercado, criar requisitos e gerenciar a transferência para vendas/marketing. Talvez você conversaria com um cliente em algum lugar e ele diria quais recursos ele quer. Mas as empresas que gerenciam produtos dessa maneira estão [...]

Engagement & Monetization | Mobile Games (Udacity)

Self Paced
Engagement & Monetization | Mobile Games (Udacity)
Free Course
How to make Money with your Games. This course will teach you how to make your game stand out in a very crowded field, and encourage people to pay for game features that will define the ultimate success of your product.

Marketing Analytics (edX)

This course is archived
Marketing Analytics (edX)
Course Auditing
Develop quantitative models that leverage business data to forecast sales and support important marketing decisions. Marketers want to understand and forecast how customers purchase products and services and how they respond to marketing initiatives. Learn how analytics help businesses drive marketing to maximize its effectiveness and optimize return on [...]
This course is archived
Course Auditing
206.00 EUR

App Monetization (Udacity)

Self Paced
App Monetization (Udacity)
Free Course
Develop a Sustainable Financial Strategy. There is no higher form of user validation than having customers support your product with their wallets. However, the path to a profitable business is not necessarily an easy one. This course blends instruction with real life examples to help you effectively develop, implement, [...]