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Applied Data Science Capstone (Coursera)

This capstone project course will give you a taste of what data scientists go through in real life when working with data. You will learn about location data and different location data providers, such as Foursquare. You will learn how to make RESTful API calls to the Foursquare API [...]

Internet of Things Capstone V2: Build a Mobile Surveillance System (Coursera)

In the Capstone project for the Internet of Things specialization, you will design and build your own system that uses at least 2 sensors, at least 1 communication protocol and at least 1 actuator. You will have a chance to revisit and apply what you have learned in our [...]

Inferential Statistics (Coursera)

This course covers commonly used statistical inference methods for numerical and categorical data. You will learn how to set up and perform hypothesis tests, interpret p-values, and report the results of your analysis in a way that is interpretable for clients or the public. Using numerous data examples, you [...]

Apply Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) (Coursera)

In this course, you will: explore the applications of GANs and examine them wrt data augmentation, privacy, and anonymity; leverage the image-to-image translation framework and identify applications to modalities beyond images; implement Pix2Pix, a paired image-to-image translation GAN, to adapt satellite images into map routes (and vice versa); compare [...]

Build Basic Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) (Coursera)

In this course, you will: Learn about GANs and their applications; Understand the intuition behind the fundamental components of GANs; Explore and implement multiple GAN architectures; Build conditional GANs capable of generating examples from determined categories.

Foundations of Diversity and Inclusion at Work TeachOut (Coursera)

The summer of 2020 has brought issues of equity and race to the forefront of society. How do we create tolerant and just climates at work? Changing the culture of an organization is challenging in the best of circumstances; today, it can seem impossible. Yet, it is more necessary [...]

Social Work Practice: Advocating Social Justice and Change (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn how social workers in the United States engage in creating change and supporting the resilience of individuals, families and communities in this new era. Learners will have an opportunity to explore the social work profession, the different roles of social workers in a [...]

Matrix Algebra for Engineers (Coursera)

This course is all about matrices, and concisely covers the linear algebra that an engineer should know. The mathematics in this course is presented at the level of an advanced high school student, but typically students should take this course after completing a university-level single variable calculus [...]

Pointers, Arrays, and Recursion (Coursera)

The third course in the specialization Introduction to Programming in C introduces the programming constructs pointers, arrays, and recursion. Pointers provide control and flexibility when programming in C by giving you a way to refer to the location of other data. Arrays provide a way to bundle data by [...]