Social Communities

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Social Work Practice: Advocating Social Justice and Change (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn how social workers in the United States engage in creating change and supporting the resilience of individuals, families and communities in this new era. Learners will have an opportunity to explore the social work profession, the different roles of social workers in a [...]

The People, Power, and Pride of Public Health (Coursera)

The People, Power, and Pride of Public Health provides an engaging overview of the incredible accomplishments and promise of the public health field. The first module includes interviews with legendary public health figures whose work led to millions of lives saved with vaccines, air bags and car seats, [...]

Content Strategy for Professionals: Ensuring Your Content's Impact (Coursera)

In the fourth course of the Content Strategy Specialization - Ensuring Your Content's Impact - you will look at visual communication and the ways you can be more effective with your font choices, photography, and video. You'll also dive deeper into social communities to help you understand how these [...]

Community Engagement: Collaborating for Change (edX)

Learn principles and strategies for engaging with U.S.-based and global communities through partnerships, research, service, and learning. Now more than ever, people are seeking ways to affect change in their communities — both locally and around the world.

Bridging Differences (edX)

Learn research-based strategies for better relationships, dialogue, and understanding across divides. Relevant to anyone navigating conflicts and differences, especially geared toward college campuses. We encounter differences every day—differences in race, politics, gender, faith, and more. How can we connect across these differences, especially at a time of deep social [...]

The Science of Generosity: Do Good…Feel Good (edX)

Explore how generosity can increase your own happiness and make a difference in the communities around you. Skip About this course What does it mean to be generous? Can giving make you happier and healthier? In this course, we’ll hear from multiple experts and explore the many facets of generosity [...]