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Mastering Design Thinking in Organizations (openHPI)

Design thinking (DT) is a valuable approach for enabling effective innovation in organizations (Kolko 2015). Just as a company’s, objectives for DT are diverse, so is the diversity of how and why organizations implement and succeed DT. While some companies start small in one department, others make DT part [...]

openHPI Summer School (openHPI)

Welcome to the openHPI summer school! You are taking part in one of our re-activated courses, or you would just like to connect with other learners during the summer? Then you are in the right place! Share your experiences in the discussion forum and have fun learning!

Datenschutz für Einsteigerinnen und Einsteiger (openHPI)

Im Kurs "Datenschutz für Einsteigerinnen und Einsteiger“ lernen Sie die rechtlichen Grundlagen des Datenschutzes in Deutschland kennen. Wir wollen unter anderem auf folgende wesentliche Elemente eingehen: Betroffenenrechte, Auftragsverarbeitungsvereinbarung, Verfahrensverzeichnis, Datenschutzfolgenabschätzung, Voraussetzungen für ein Datenschutzmanagementsystem gemäß DSGVO, Zuletzt erfahren interessierte Kursteilnehmerinnen und -teilnehmer, was im Falle einer Datenpanne zu unternehmen [...]

A Step-by-Step Introduction to Process Mining (openHPI)

May 5th 2021
A Step-by-Step Introduction to Process Mining (openHPI)
Free Course
Process mining is widely used in organizations to improve the understanding of business processes, based on data. Therefore, process mining is also called “data science for business processes”. While process mining has gone mainstream, there are many underlying concepts and techniques, and these are complex. The goal of this [...]

Digital Entrepreneurship (openHPI)

Self Paced
Digital Entrepreneurship (openHPI)
Free Course
What exactly does digital entrepreneurship mean and how does it differ from "classic" entrepreneurship? How does digital entrepreneurship influence the economy and society? How does effective collaboration between different stakeholders work and what role do digital ecosystems play in this? What kind of entrepreneurial mindset does digital entrepreneurship need? [...]

clean-IT: Towards Sustainable Digital Technologies (openHPI)

Digitalization is a game changer in the pursuit of a sustainable future. The latest digital technologies and applications like cloud, AI, and mobile devices enable us to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and reduce carbon emissions in many sectors. Yet computer systems themselves have an immense energy requirement for [...]

Blockchain – Revealing the Myth (openHPI)

In this course we want to explore the origins, goals, development path and fakes of Blockchain technology that have emerged along the way. More specifically, we will take a look at the initial idea of Blockchain and how it works. Then, we will examine which evolution it has run [...]

Cyberthreats by Malware (openHPI)

In this course we will discuss a huge problem on the Internet: The spread of malware. The number of cyber attacks has increased again in 2020. New forms of malware have evolved, even more disruptive and more damaging. We will cover different types of malware, such as, viruses, worms, [...]

Digital Identities (openHPI)

The average Internet user has more than 25 Internet accounts, which are created for a wide variety of purposes. Besides accounts for e-mail services or social networks, users need access to learning platforms or online shopping services. Each of these internet accounts represents an individual digital identity. Each of [...]

Tatort Internet - Angriffsvektoren und Schutzmaßnahmen (OpenHPI)

Hackern gelingt es immer wieder, Passwörter zu stehlen, auf sensible Firmen- und Userdaten zuzugreifen und somit schlimmstenfalls ganze Unternehmen lahmzulegen. So vielfältig die Möglichkeiten sind, die das Internet seinen Nutzern bietet, so vielfältig sind auch die Angriffspunkte und potenziellen Gefahren, die vom Internet ausgehen und vielen Menschen noch nicht [...]