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Foundations of Virtual Instruction (Coursera)

Welcome to Foundations of Virtual Instruction! This course will help you 'up' your game and develop the advanced skills and techniques that elude even some of the most experienced virtual teachers in the K-12 space. Examine pitfalls and learn how to overcome them by focusing on the fundamentals that [...]

e-Learning Ecologies: Innovative Approaches to Teaching and Learning for the Digital Age (Coursera)

For three decades and longer we have heard educators and technologists making a case for the transformative power of technology in learning. However, despite the rhetoric, in many ways and at most institutional sites, education is still relatively untouched by technology. Even when technologies are introduced, the changes sometimes [...]

Diseño y Desarrollo de Recursos Multimedia para la Enseñanza Virtual (edX)

Crea de una forma sencilla y fácil tus propios recursos de aprendizaje multimedia e interactivos para una enseñanza virtual exitosa. El curso está enfocado para que identifiques las principales características, utilidades y ventajas de los diferentes tipos de recursos multimedia que puedes construir para complementar o generar conocimiento; utilizarás [...]

Tecnologías Web Emergentes para la Enseñanza Virtual (edX)

Conoce las nuevas tecnologías e-Learning y las herramientas web 2.0 enfocadas a mejorar la experiencia de enseñanza virtual. El curso está orientado a que conozcas las tecnologías web emergentes que están revolucionando la enseñanza virtual y las herramientas web 2.0 que se pueden aplicar en el área educativa o [...]

Aprendizaje y Enseñanza Virtual (edX)

Diseña experiencias de aprendizaje significativas orientadas a entornos de enseñanza virtual. El curso “Aprendizaje y enseñanza virtual” responde a las necesidades de aquellos que tienen un interés directo en el aprendizaje y la enseñanza digital en cualquier campo. Es ideal para todos aquellos que desean aprender más sobre el [...]

FREE e-Learning Sources That Are Worth Your Time (Skillshare)

Self Paced
FREE e-Learning Sources That Are Worth Your Time (Skillshare)
Free Course
These days we are so overwhelmed with information from all around us. It's impossible to watch, listen or learn every new published piece of information. You have to choose some of them and give them your most precious commodity in the world - TIME.

Ferramentas de Criação de Vídeos Educativos (NAU)

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Ferramentas de Criação de Vídeos Educativos (NAU)
Free Course
Quer saber como planear e produzir vídeos educativos de qualidade? Mergulhe no mundo da produção de cursos para modelos de ensino e-learning e b-learning. Este curso pretende apoiar os profissionais de educação na produção de conteúdos em formato vídeo, pretendendo potenciar a produção de qualidade adaptada a modelos de [...]

Designing E-Learning for Health (FutureLearn)

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 Designing E-Learning for Health (FutureLearn)
Free Course
Design effective e-learning that tells powerful, real-life stories, in health and other sectors, with this free online course. Learn to translate real experiences into e-learning for health and social care. How can our e-learning tell powerful stories? How can we design high quality and reusable e-learning resources? How can [...]

Proyecto Final, "e-Learning" (edX)

El proyecto desafía intelectualmente al estudiante y le permite demostrar las habilidades y competencias adquiridas. El proyecto desafía intelectualmente al estudiante y le permite demostrar las habilidades y competencias adquiridas a través del “Diseño y desarrollo de un objeto virtual de aprendizaje como estrategia para apoyar un proceso de [...]

Introduction to Online Learning (Canvas net)

This course provides an introduction to elearning expectations; elearning basic skills and strategies; and elearning resources which support student success. This course is designed for students interested in taking online college courses and/or becoming more successful online college students. There are no prerequisites for this [...]