Professional Development

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Teaching Statistics Through Inferential Reasoning (MOOc-Ed)

Every day we have opportunities to make data-based decisions and to consider how information we gather can inform us about what can be claimed about a situation, process, or larger collection. To prepare the next generation of data active citizens, we need to engage learners of all ages in [...]

Teaching Foundational Reading Skills (MOOC-Ed)

The Teaching Foundational Reading Skills MOOC-Ed will help you more effectively prepare your students in grades K–3 with the skills they need to become successful readers. Organized around the four major research-based recommendations of the Foundational Skills to Support Reading for Understanding in Kindergarten Through 3rd Grade Practice Guide, [...]

Disciplinary Literacy for Deeper Learning (MOOC-Ed)

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Disciplinary Literacy for Deeper Learning (MOOC-Ed)
Free Course
Disciplinary Literacy for Deeper Learning explores what it means to read, write, speak, and listen for learning and creating knowledge across disciplines, including science, mathematics, history/social studies, and English/language arts. In this six unit course, participants will learn how to engage students in deeper learning through disciplinary literacy practices [...]

Principles in Organizational Consulting (CDI)

This Series provides easy-to-understand explanations and downloadable tools to build your acumen in business and guiding successful change. The Series provides clear and concise descriptions to help you understand the “big picture” of organizations, including the various activities within them and how they all work together, whether in [...]