Interpersonal Skills

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Professionalism in Allied Health (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Professionalism in Allied Health (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course will benefit anyone considering a career in allied health, as well as those already working the field. Allied Health Professionals must be committed to the key attributes of professionalism and strive to reflect this within the delivery of patient-centered, safe, and effective care. “Professionalism” is a broad [...]

La comunicación laboral en el siglo XXI (Coursera)

En el acelerado ambiente empresarial de hoy en día, a los empleados de todo nivel se les pide que se encarguen cada vez de más tareas, que cumplan más plazos, que asuman más responsabilidad y que se adapten a más innovación. Además de esos retos está la cuestión de [...]

Developing Interpersonal Skills (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Developing Interpersonal Skills (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In order to have a successful professional life, you have to be able to communicate with the people you work with. You have to be able to communicate with co-workers in a way that establishes respect and influence. This short course is designed to teach you how to communicate [...]

A Organização Centrada na Jornada do Cliente (Coursera)

Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso A Organização Centrada na Jornada no Cliente. Neste curso, você aprenderá que objetivos de negócio de uma empresa somente podem ser atingidos se houver co-criação de valor entre seus profissionais e fornecedores. Para tanto, os clientes devem estar no centro de suas definições e atividades. [...]

Communication as a Technical Leader (Coursera)

An engineering leader spends a majority of their day interacting with others. Indeed, studies repeatedly point to the impact communication skills have on the ability of managerial leaders to succeed or fail. Too often, individuals move into managerial leadership roles without an awareness of the need to improve [...]

Service Etiquette in Financial Services (edX)

Service etiquette refers to how service professionals use expected and effective manners to demonstrate professionalism with customers. But lack of appropriate understanding and guidance results in the breach of service etiquette rules thereby impacting the reputation of the organisation. On the contrary, consistently maintaining service etiquette standards uplifts brand [...]

Influence Essentials for Leadership and Marketing (edX)

Self Paced
Influence Essentials for Leadership and Marketing (edX)
Course Auditing
Discover ‘Influence’– the attribute that can affect emotions and sway individual or group actions. Recognize the subtleties of this attribute and develop the skill to use this understanding to manage people and market to people. Influence plays an important role in nurturing human thoughts, ideas, and concepts. As children, [...]

Communication and Interpersonal Skills at Work (FutureLearn)

Improve your communication skills at work and learn how to navigate positive collaboration in the modern workplace. Discover useful communication strategies for the workplace. Whether we communicate from behind a screen or face to face, strong interpersonal skills allow us to share ideas, points of view, expertise, and information [...]

Women's Leadership: Boost your skills and drive change (edX)

Build your individual personal development plan, strengthen your intrapersonal and communication skills and enhance your leadership competencies. Do you know what your leadership style is? Would you like to develop or strengthen leadership skills with a gender perspective? Do you know how the countries of Latin America and the [...]

Soft Skills: People and Power Skills Assessment (edX)

Self Paced
Soft Skills: People and Power Skills Assessment (edX)
Course Auditing
This course contains the final assessment where you will apply your knowledge of the courses in the People and Power Skills Professional Certificate!