Teaching Foundational Reading Skills (MOOC-Ed)

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Teaching Foundational Reading Skills (MOOC-Ed)
Free Course
This course is appropriate for K-3 Teachers, Teacher's Aides, Parents, Reading Specialists, Teacher Educators, Professional Development Leaders

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Teaching Foundational Reading Skills (MOOC-Ed)
The Teaching Foundational Reading Skills MOOC-Ed will help you more effectively prepare your students in grades K–3 with the skills they need to become successful readers. Organized around the four major research-based recommendations of the Foundational Skills to Support Reading for Understanding in Kindergarten Through 3rd Grade Practice Guide, this MOOC-Ed will help you effectively implement them with your students so they are able to read words, relate those words to their oral language, and read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to understand what they read.

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The core elements of teaching foundational reading to grades K through 3 are: comprehension, fluency, morphology, word recognition, decoding, letter-sound relations, phonological awareness, language, vocabulary, and background knowledge.

Course Objectives

This Teaching Foundational Reading Skills MOOC-Ed follows the Practice Guide in being organized around four major research-based recommendations, with specific classroom how-tos that will help you effectively implement them with your students. After a short Getting Started unit, each of the four major units of the course address one of the following recommendations:

1. Advance students' speaking and listening language skills, including vocabulary knowledge and the use of inferential and narrative "academic" language.

2. Develop students' awareness of the segments of sounds in speech, and how sound segments link to letters.

3. Teach students to decode words, analyze words parts, and write and recognize words.

4. Support students' development of reading accuracy, fluency, and comprehension through reading connected text.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Free Course
This course is appropriate for K-3 Teachers, Teacher's Aides, Parents, Reading Specialists, Teacher Educators, Professional Development Leaders

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.