Leadership Skills

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Data-Driven Leadership Skills Course 3: Data-Driven Leaders (Coursera)

Analyse the role of data, volume, quality, and timeliness, in decision making and critically evaluate, with particular reference to digital data, traditional leadership models. In this course, you will learn the importance of data to leadership in the 21st Century and how this is a game-changer compared with earlier [...]

Data-Driven Leadership Skills Course 2: Agile Leadership (Coursera)

In this course, we describe how agility became increasingly important in the 21st Century. We explore the role of information communication in disrupting hierarchical leadership. We will explore the Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) world of the 21st Century and look at how the traditional discipline of strategic [...]

Navigating Disruption: Becoming an Un-Disruptable Leader (Coursera)

This course helps you cultivate leadership skills that will make you un-disruptable. You discover the five key traits of un-disruptable leaders—ambidexterity, a beginner’s mindset, disruptive jujitsu, end-user ethnography, and emotional fortitude—and analyze the way they apply these traits to lead their organizations through disruption.. You engage in exercises to [...]

Developing a Leadership Framework (Coursera)

This course offers seasoned and up-and-coming leaders a clear, concise overview of the challenges of organizational leadership and practical strategies for improving as leaders. The lessons are structured around essential leadership responsibilities, including defining leadership, understanding what it is not, and understanding how to construct a leadership framework utilizing [...]

Leading Through Effective Communication (Coursera)

Do you struggle to influence your team’s chances of success? Learn effective communication and leadership skills from this Leading Through Effective Communication course!

O Líder na Era do Digital e da Complexidade (Coursera)

Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso O Líder na Era do Digital e da Complexidade. Neste curso, você aprenderá que indivíduos e organizações não podem se dar ao luxo de demorar ou perder o tempo de dar respostas e se adaptarem as demandas e pressões do ambiente em que atuam. Para [...]

As Competências do Líder Exponencial (Coursera)

Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso O Líder na Era do Digital e da Complexidade. Neste curso, você aprenderá que indivíduos e organizações não podem se dar ao luxo de demorar ou perder o tempo de dar respostas e se adaptarem as demandas e pressões do ambiente em que atuam. Para [...]

Liderazgo y comportamiento organizacional (Coursera)

El liderazgo está en todas partes. Está implicado en casi cada acción social. Muchas personas que tienen el potencial de ser líderes no se dan cuenta, necesitan desarrollar su potencial de liderazgo personal y organizacional. Muchos que se convierten en líderes no saben cómo manejar esas [...]

Comunicación efectiva para el líder actual (Coursera)

La comunicación interpersonal es una de las habilidades profesionales y gerenciales más importantes: todos los días nos relacionamos con superiores, colaboradores, clientes y colegas. Ser un buen comunicador es sinónimo de ser buen líder. Este curso en línea de comunicación interpersonal y grupal ayuda a crear mejores ambientes laborales [...]

Leadership and organizational behavior (Coursera)

Leadership is everywhere. It is involved in nearly every social action, in some form. Many people who have the potential to be leaders do not realize it. Many who become leaders do not know how to manage those responsibilities. Great leaders can inspire change; bad leaders can cripple their [...]