Initiatives / Providers

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Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 1 (Coursera)

An appreciation of thermodynamics is required to become a chemical and biomolecular engineer. Thermodynamics can assess the viability of a process and is one of the curriculum's most essential topics. The principles are utilized in following engineering courses (kinetics, mass transfer, design, materials) and are applicable to numerous engineering [...]

Decision Making and Reinforcement Learning (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Decision Making and Reinforcement Learning (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is an introduction to sequential decision making and reinforcement learning. We start with a discussion of utility theory to learn how preferences can be represented and modeled for decision making. We first model simple decision problems as multi-armed bandit problems in and discuss several approaches to evaluate [...]

Church Administration Theology and Time Management (Coursera)

As church pastors and leaders, how should you manage Christian church administration? Shouldn’t Christian theology matter in church administration? If so, how? At the same time, how should you utilize management principles and techniques to make your church a more faithful church, rather than turning it into a secular [...]

Blockchain Security (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Blockchain Security (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course introduces blockchain security, including a description of how the blockchain works at each level of the blockchain ecosystem. The instructor begins with the building blocks that create the structure of blockchain, the cryptography that it uses for security, and the role of hash functions in the blockchain [...]

Frontiers in Dentistry (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Frontiers in Dentistry (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course, Frontiers in Dentistry, you will be able to explore some of the latest advances in the field of dental medicine. The innovations in therapeutic techniques as well as our understanding of the biomedical sciences have been made possible by our research enterprise which integrates the latest [...]

Fundamental Sports related Musculoskeletal Anatomy (Coursera)

This is an online course on fundamental sports-related musculoskeletal anatomy which provides students with a basic understanding of the musculoskeletal structure and function of different body regions. Topics include an overview of the musculoskeletal system, spine, upper limb, and lower limb.

Helping Families Avoid Negative Court Involvement Teach-Out (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Helping Families Avoid Negative Court Involvement Teach-Out (Coursera)
Free Course
This course will teach learners how to understand when issues can become legal issues, encourage learners to recognize legal problems early, identify possible “legal soft spots” in their own situations, and act when issues are identified to avoid them escalating. This course will also teach and encourage learners to [...]

Inspiring Peak Performance on Technical Teams (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Inspiring Peak Performance on Technical Teams (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In the previous course, Leadership Principles for Software Engineers, you learned about how to hire your team and set its goals. Now, learn how to lead each individual team member, increasing their personal best performance, and your team's overall performance, day after day. NANCY WANG, Director of Engineering and [...]

Power and Foreign Policy in International Relations (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Power and Foreign Policy in International Relations (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Welcome to the Power and Foreign Policy in International Relations course! This course acquaints you with how power matters in the conduct of international relations and how it affects the strategies and tactics of a nation-state in dealing with other nation-states. It demonstrates the link between a country’s ranking [...]

Introduction to UX Design MasterTrack Certificate Program (Coursera)

User experience is a highly in-demand field which requires a holistic understanding of the design process. This course is a "sample" of the UX Design MasterTrack certificate program. You will have the opportunities to explore core topics in UX including Ethics and Research, User Research, User Testing, and Visual [...]