University of Copenhagen

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An Introduction to Global Health (Coursera)

This course will provide you with an overview of the most important health challenges facing the world today. You will gain insight into how challenges have changed over time, we will discuss the likely determinants of such changes and examine future projections. Successful international strategies and programs promoting human [...]

Sustainable Development - Ideas and Imaginaries (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Sustainable Development - Ideas and Imaginaries (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Ideas and imaginaries inspire human capacity for great endeavours, but ‘conventional wisdom’ frequently prevents necessary change. Achievement of global sustainable development is, therefore, dependent on a profound comprehension of the preunderstandings and implicit imaginaries that form both our perception of reality and our basic confidence in the viability of [...]

Personalised Medicine from a Nordic Perspective (Coursera)

The technical revolution has generated large amounts of data in healthcare and research, and a rapidly increasing knowledge about factors of importance for the individual’s health. This holds great potential to support a change from the one-size-fits-all paradigm to personalised or precision medicine, to guide and thereby improve each [...]

European Citizenship (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
European Citizenship (Coursera)
Course Auditing
All citizens in the EU are granted a European Citizenship on top of their national citizenship. The European citizenship was formally established when written into the Treaty of Maastricht in 1993, but had gradually matured through a longer historical process. Over time, it has developed into becoming a very [...]

Patient Perspectives on Medications: Qualitative Interviews (Coursera)

This course teaches you how to explore the patient perspective on medicines using qualitative interviews. You will learn how to design, conduct and analyse data in a small interview study. The course is related to the course Understanding Patient Perspectives on Medications, but each course can be taken [...]

Understanding Patient Perspectives on Medications (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Understanding Patient Perspectives on Medications (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Inappropriate use of medicines harms patients’ health and increases healthcare costs. When healthcare professionals and patients engage together, healthcare can be based on the patient perspective, so the use of medicines is better tailored to each patients’ needs and preferences. The result is a better relationship between patients and [...]

Non-Communicable Diseases in Humanitarian Settings (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Non-Communicable Diseases in Humanitarian Settings (Coursera)
Course Auditing
NCDs are the leading cause of death in almost every region of the world, and place a huge burden on individuals, families and societies. Humanitarian settings have a negative effect on the levels of disease, and the possibility of treatment. The importance of NCDs in global health is acknowledged [...]

Transformation of the Global Food System (Coursera)

The UN predicts we will be 9-10 billion people on Earth in 2050. Providing so many people with nutritious foods is a massive challenge and one that cannot be met by simply upscaling current practices regarding food production and consumption. Providing humanity with nutritional food is at the center [...]

Academic Information Seeking (Coursera)

This course will introduce you to the basic elements of academic information seeking - we will explore the search process from defining a strategy to evaluating and documenting your search results. Attending the course will make you a proficient information seeker. You will learn how to carry out comprehensive [...]

Data Literacy – What is it and why does it matter? (Coursera)

You might already know that data is not neutral. Our values and assumptions are influenced by the data surrounding us - the data we create, the data we collect, and the data we share with each other. Economic needs, social structures, or algorithmic biases can have profound consequences for [...]