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Gestión del análisis de datos (Coursera)

This one-week course describes the process of analyzing data and how to manage that process. We describe the iterative nature of data analysis and the role of stating a sharp question, exploratory data analysis, inference, formal statistical modeling, interpretation, and communication. In addition, we will describe how to direct [...]

Modeling Data in the Tidyverse (Coursera)

Developing insights about your organization, business, or research project depends on effective modeling and analysis of the data you collect. Building effective models requires understanding the different types of questions you can ask and how to map those questions to your data. Different modeling approaches can be chosen to [...]

Causal Inference (Coursera)

This course offers a rigorous mathematical survey of causal inference at the Master’s level. Inferences about causation are of great importance in science, medicine, policy, and business. This course provides an introduction to the statistical literature on causal inference that has emerged in the last 35-40 years and [...]

Managing Data Analysis (Coursera)

This one-week course describes the process of analyzing data and how to manage that process. We describe the iterative nature of data analysis and the role of stating a sharp question, exploratory data analysis, inference, formal statistical modeling, interpretation, and communication. In addition, we will describe how to direct [...]

Exploration et production de données pour les entreprises (Coursera)

Ce cours fournit un cadre analytique afin de vous aider à évaluer les problèmes clés de manière structurée. Il vous procurera également des outils afin de mieux gérer les incertitudes qui envahissent et compliquent les processus des entreprises. Plus précisément, vous serez initié(e) aux statistiques et à la manière [...]

Probabilistic Graphical Models 2: Inference (Coursera)

Probabilistic graphical models (PGMs) are a rich framework for encoding probability distributions over complex domains: joint (multivariate) distributions over large numbers of random variables that interact with each other. These representations sit at the intersection of statistics and computer science, relying on concepts from probability theory, graph algorithms, machine [...]

Exploring and Producing Data for Business Decision Making (Coursera)

This course provides an analytical framework to help you evaluate key problems in a structured fashion and will equip you with tools to better manage the uncertainties that pervade and complicate business processes. Specifically, you will be introduced to statistics and how to summarize data and learn concepts of [...]

Introduction to Probability and Data with R (Coursera)

This course introduces you to sampling and exploring data, as well as basic probability theory and Bayes' rule. You will examine various types of sampling methods, and discuss how such methods can impact the scope of inference. A variety of exploratory data analysis techniques will be covered, including numeric [...]

Python and Statistics for Financial Analysis (Coursera)

Python is now becoming the number 1 programming language for data science. Due to python’s simplicity and high readability, it is gaining its importance in the financial industry. The course combines both python coding and statistical concepts and applies into analyzing financial data, such as stock [...]

Statistics Using Python (edX)

Learn the fundamentals of statistics using Python. This course is a compact primer in statistics as a foundation for data-driven business analysis. A selection of concepts include descriptive statistics, probability, inference, correlation, and regression. The course also exposes students to basic Python programming for use in [...]