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Data Acquisition, Risk, and Estimation (Coursera)

Engineering and Business professionals often have access to many sources of data. The best way to way to ensure your data is both valid and reliable is to plan for it ahead of time. Through this class, you will be able to plan for accurate and precise data generation, [...]

The Power of Statistics (Coursera)

Oct 7th 2024
The Power of Statistics (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This is the fourth of seven courses in the Google Advanced Data Analytics Certificate. In this course, you’ll discover how data professionals use statistics to analyze data and gain important insights. You'll explore key concepts such as descriptive and inferential statistics, probability, sampling, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing. You'll [...]

Introduction to Statistics (Coursera)

Stanford's "Introduction to Statistics" teaches you statistical thinking concepts that are essential for learning from data and communicating insights. By the end of the course, you will be able to perform exploratory data analysis, understand key principles of sampling, and select appropriate tests of significance for multiple contexts. You [...]

Python and Statistics for Financial Analysis (Coursera)

Python is now becoming the number 1 programming language for data science. Due to python’s simplicity and high readability, it is gaining its importance in the financial industry. The course combines both python coding and statistical concepts and applies into analyzing financial data, such as stock [...]

Quantitative Research (Coursera)

In this course, you will obtain some insights about marketing to help determine whether there is an opportunity that actually exists in the marketplace and whether it is valuable and actionable for your organization or client. What you will learn: predict common pitfalls in designing and implementing quantitative research [...]

Sampling People, Networks and Records (Coursera)

Oct 7th 2024
Sampling People, Networks and Records (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Good data collection is built on good samples. But the samples can be chosen in many ways. Samples can be haphazard or convenient selections of persons, or records, or networks, or other units, but one questions the quality of such samples, especially what these selection methods mean [...]

Fundamentals of Digital Image and Video Processing (Coursera)

Oct 7th 2024
Fundamentals of Digital Image and Video Processing (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this class you will learn the basic principles and tools used to process images and videos, and how to apply them in solving practical problems of commercial and scientific interests. Digital images and videos are everywhere these days – in thousands of scientific (e.g., astronomical, bio-medical), consumer, industrial, [...]

Research Methodologies (Coursera)

This course focuses on research methodologies. In this vein, the focus will be placed on qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, sampling approaches, and primary and secondary data collection. The course begins with a discussion on qualitative research approaches, looking at focus groups, personal interviews, ethnography, case studies and action [...]

Pesquisa de Mercado com Métodos Quantitativos (Coursera)

Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Pesquisa de Mercado com Métodos Quantitativos. Este curso tem como objetivo introduzir o aluno no ambiente da pesquisa quantitativa, discutindo o processo de desenvolvimento de instrumentos de coleta de dados, selecionando amostras, coletando e analisando os dados.

Managing, Describing, and Analyzing Data (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn the basics of understanding the data you have and why correctly classifying data is the first step to making correct decisions. You will describe data both graphically and numerically using descriptive statistics and R software. You will learn four probability distributions commonly used [...]