Intercultural Relations

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Cultures et pédagogies (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Cultures et pédagogies (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Dans ce cours, nous explorons des alternatives pédagogiques qui s'inscrivent dans des contextes historiques, culturels et politiques différents. Vous découvrirez des pédagogies et des pédagogues qui opèrent une rupture avec les approches pédagogiques dominantes de notre société. Nous verrons ensemble les fondements pratiques et théoriques des apports de pédagogues [...]

Negociação e Relações Interculturais (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Negociação e Relações Interculturais (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Negociação e Relações Interculturais. Neste curso, você aprenderá que a globalização alterou os paradigmas organizacionais e culturais, tornando a negociação uma das maiores e prestigiadas habilidades humanas para a sobrevivência das organizações. No contexto das alianças estratégicas, fusões, incorporações, novos modelos de gestão, preocupações éticas, [...]

Comprender las dimensiones interculturales en la cotidianidad (Coursera)

Este MOOC es el resultado de una co-construcción e investigación de profesoras de la Universidad Sorbonne-Nouvelle Paris 3 y la Universidad de los Andes (Colombia). Su objetivo principal es brindar herramientas para desarrollar dimensiones interculturales en la vida cotidianda. El curso está dirigido a estudiantes y profesionales de [...]

Introduction to Intercultural Studies: Intercultural Contact (FutureLearn)

Sep 4th 2023
Introduction to Intercultural Studies: Intercultural Contact (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Learn how the principles of intercultural contact may challenge the way in which you think about social interaction. On this course you will examine the idea of intercultural contact and the effects of cultural interactions from historical and global perspectives. Through videos and articles, you will discover how intercultural [...]

Improve Your Intercultural Competence (FutureLearn)

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Improve Your Intercultural Competence (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Develop the attitudes, skills and knowledge required to thrive in diverse workplaces. According to the Intelligence Unit at The Economist, 90% of executives in 68 countries say cross-cultural management is their biggest challenge. Good intercultural communication and an understanding of cultural differences are now critical for professionals, especially those [...]

Diálogo Intercultural para la Gestión de Conflictos Territoriales (edX)

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Diálogo Intercultural para la Gestión de Conflictos Territoriales (edX)
Course Auditing
Este MOOC les brinda a sus participantes elementos conceptuales y prácticos para la gestión de conflictos territoriales a través del diálogo intercultural. ¿Alguna vez ha vivido un conflicto intercultural?, ¿Le gustaría aportar a la transformación social de los conflictos en su territorio? ¡El diálogo intercultural es la [...]

Cultural Psychology (

Legacy Course
Cultural Psychology (
Free Course
Cultural Psychology reviews the cultural, community, and ecological factors that play a role in how people perceive their environment. It is the integration of the nature and nurture phenomenas, whereby an individual’s psyche is determined, or at least influenced, by both that individual’s culture and those other cultures [...]