Quantum Computing

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Dynamic Programming, Greedy Algorithms (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Dynamic Programming, Greedy Algorithms (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course covers basic algorithm design techniques such as divide and conquer, dynamic programming, and greedy algorithms. It concludes with a brief introduction to intractability (NP-completeness) and using linear/integer programming solvers for solving optimization problems. We will also cover some advanced topics in data [...]

Emergent Phenomena in Science and Everyday Life (Coursera)

Before the advent of quantum mechanics in the early 20th century, most scientists believed that it should be possible to predict the behavior of any object in the universe simply by understanding the behavior of its constituent parts. For instance, if one could write down the equations of motion [...]

Gen AI in Cybersecurity (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Gen AI in Cybersecurity (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Embark on a transformative journey into the realm of Gen AI in Cybersecurity with our comprehensive course. Dive deep into the intricacies of harnessing artificial intelligence to secure digital landscapes, from foundational principles to cutting-edge concepts.

Introduction to Quantum Information (Coursera)

The course provides an introduction to quantum information at a beginning graduate level. It focuses on the fundamental understanding of how information is processed with quantum systems and how the quantum properties apply to computing and communication tasks. The course begins by presenting quantum theory as the framework of [...]

Applied Quantum Computing III: Algorithm and Software (edX)

Mar 25th 2024
Applied Quantum Computing III: Algorithm and Software (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn domain-specific quantum algorithms and how to run them on present-day quantum hardware. This course is part III of the series of Quantum computing courses, which covers aspects from fundamentals to present-day hardware platforms to quantum software and programming. The goal of part III is to discuss some of [...]

Boltzmann Law: Physics to Computing (edX)

Mar 25th 2024
Boltzmann Law: Physics to Computing (edX)
Course Auditing
Provides a unified perspective connecting equilibrium statistical mechanics with stochastic neural networks and quantum computing. A unique course that connects three diverse fields using the unifying concept of a state-space with 2^N dimensions defined by N binary bits.

Applied Quantum Computing II: Hardware (edX)

Feb 12th 2024
Applied Quantum Computing II: Hardware (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn how present-day material platforms are built to perform quantum information processing tasks. This course is part 2 of the series of Quantum computing courses, which covers aspects from fundamentals to present-day hardware platforms to quantum software and programming. The goal of part 2 is to provide the essential [...]

Machine Learning for Semiconductor Quantum Devices (edX)

Learn how to deploy artificial intelligence to control and calibrate semiconductor quantum computing chips. Quantum computing is a fast-growing technology and semiconductor chips are one of the most promising platforms for quantum devices. The current bottleneck for scaling is the ability to control semiconductor computing chips quickly and [...]

Applied Quantum Computing I: Fundamentals (edX)

Jan 8th 2024
Applied Quantum Computing I: Fundamentals (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn the fundamental postulates of quantum mechanics and how they can be mapped onto present-day quantum information processing models, including computation, simulation, optimization, and machine learning.