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Data Science Ethics (Coursera)

What are the ethical considerations regarding the privacy and control of consumer information and big data, especially in the aftermath of recent large-scale data breaches? This course provides a framework to analyze these concerns as you examine the ethical and privacy implications of collecting and managing big data. Explore [...]

Applied Quantum Computing III: Algorithm and Software (edX)

Mar 25th 2024
Applied Quantum Computing III: Algorithm and Software (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn domain-specific quantum algorithms and how to run them on present-day quantum hardware. This course is part III of the series of Quantum computing courses, which covers aspects from fundamentals to present-day hardware platforms to quantum software and programming. The goal of part III is to discuss some of [...]

Advanced Algorithmics and Graph Theory with Python (edX)

Strengthen your skills in algorithmics and graph theory, and gain experience in programming in Python along the way. Algorithmics and programming are fundamental skills for engineering students, data scientists and analysts, computer hobbyists or developers. Learning how to program algorithms can be tedious if you aren’t given an opportunity [...]

Algorítmica Básica (edX)

Aprende los fundamentos del pensamiento algorítmico, estructuras de datos y los principios básicos de programación con aplicación a los negocios. Los algoritmos pueden ser utilizados para la solución de problemas de negocio. En este curso aprenderás los conceptos básicos de algoritmos y el manejo de estructuras de [...]

Eléments de base d’informatique pour l’algorithmique (REAMOOC)

Ce MOOC Présente les concepts fondamentaux d'informatique pour aborder un cours d'algorithmique de première année de filière scientifique des universités et grandes écoles. Les notions abordées sont: 1- Information et Informatique 2- Représentation de l'information 3- Algorithme et [...]

Algorithmique de base et Programmation en langage C (REAMOOC)

Ce MOOC Algorithmique de base et Programmation en langage C, est destiné aux étudiants en première année universitaire mais aussi aux personnes curieuses souhaitant acquérir les bases de l'algorithmique et du langage C.