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Imagining Other Earths (Coursera)

Are we alone? This course introduces core concepts in astronomy, biology, and planetary science that enable the student to speculate scientifically about this profound question and invent their own solar systems. All the features of this course are available for free. It does not offer a certificate upon [...]

Global Warming I: The Science and Modeling of Climate Change (Coursera)

This class describes the science of global warming and the forecast for humans’ impact on Earth’s climate. Intended for an audience without much scientific background but a healthy sense of curiosity, the class brings together insights and perspectives from physics, chemistry, biology, earth and atmospheric sciences, and even some [...]

Introduction to Thermodynamics: Transferring Energy from Here to There (Coursera)

This course provides an introduction to the most powerful engineering principles you will ever learn - Thermodynamics: the science of transferring energy from one place or form to another place or form. We will introduce the tools you need to analyze energy systems from solar panels, to engines, to [...]

Advanced Transport Phenomena (edX)

Learn how to tackle complex mass and heat transfer problems and apply the results in your own environment. How can you reduce the energy loss of your home? What is the underlying science of energy loss in pipes? Which heat and mass transfer problems do we have to tackle [...]

The Basics of Transport Phenomena (edX)

Learn the basic framework to work on a broad spectrum of engineering problems concerning transfer of heat, mass and momentum. Learn through examples of everyday processes at home, in the lab and in industry. Have you ever wondered why ventilation helps to cool down your hot chocolate? Do you [...]

Física: Dimensión y Movimiento (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Física: Dimensión y Movimiento (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Este curso forma parte de una secuencia y como podrás ver, no sólo te preparará para la física universitaria, sino que al mismo tiempo te sensibilizará para poder comprender y asimilar fenómenos y resolver problemas de la vida cotidiana.

Física: Vectores, Trabajo y Energía (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Física: Vectores, Trabajo y Energía (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Este curso provee al estudiante con conceptos y herramientas matemáticas para modelar problemas en física, que al aplicar podrá enfrentar con éxito los cursos de física universitarios. Así pues, la filosofía de este curso consiste en cubrir temas conceptuales relativos a la Física y desarrollar tu capacidad de aprender [...]

Astro 101: Black Holes (Coursera)

What is a black hole? Do they really exist? How do they form? How are they related to stars? What would happen if you fell into one? How do you see a black hole if they emit no light? What’s the difference between a black hole and a really [...]