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Guitar Chord Voicings: Playing Up The Neck (Coursera)

Whether you’re just picking up the guitar for the first time or you’ve been playing the guitar for years and want to take your playing to the next level, Guitar Chords 101 will help you develop a deeper knowledge and understanding of chords. Guitar Chords 101 presents Berklee’s approach [...]

Art of the MOOC: Experiments with Sound (Coursera)

Students of this course may try their hand at their own sound interventions and musical compositions, or simply focus on learning more about diverse musical traditions, sonic experimentation, and acoustic phenomena in everyday life. Designed by artist and Duke professor, Pedro Lasch, and UdK composer Mathias Hinke, this course [...]

Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas Part 5 (Coursera)

Welcome to Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas Part 5! You’re joining thousands of learners currently enrolled in the course. I'm excited to have you in the class and look forward to your contributions to the learning community.

Creativity And Entrepreneurship (Coursera)

Creativity & Entrepreneurship will help you tap into your inner creativity and learn how to leverage it for career development or business innovation. Presented by Berklee Institute for Creative Entrepreneurship founder Panos Panay, this course features interviews with world renown entrepreneurs, innovators, songwriters, producers, creative directors, educators, performers, visual [...]

Composição: Escrevendo a letra (Coursera)

Existe um compositor dentro de você, rondando, indagando se é o momento certo de se revelar. Agora é. Este curso é um convite para deixar que o compositor que existe dentro de você saia ao sol. Tudo que você precisa é de um "sim" e você estará subindo aquela [...]

Getting Started With Music Theory (Coursera)

This course is a brief introduction to the elements of music theory for those with little or no music theory experience. We will explore pitch, rhythm, meter, notation, scales, keys, key signatures, meter signatures, triads, seventh chords, and basic harmony. If you listen to music or play music by [...]

Musicianship: Chord Charts, Diatonic Chords, and Minor Keys (Coursera)

After a tremendous response from learners on Coursera, Berklee Online has created a Developing Your Musicianship specialization, and this course is the second course in the series. If you have a basic knowledge of music theory or if you have completed Developing Your Musicianship I, this course will continue [...]

Introducción a la guitarra (Coursera)

Aprende los elementos esenciales necesarios para empezar a tocar la guitarra acústica o eléctrica. Aprenderás un enfoque fácil que te hará tocar rápidamente a través de una combinación de la exploración del instrumento, la técnica de ejecución y la teoría básica de la música.

The Technology of Music Production (Coursera)

Learn about the music production process—including recording, editing, and mixing—and the tools available to you to create contemporary music on your computer. With the recent introduction of high-quality-low-cost software and hardware, the tools of music production are now available to the masses. Albums are made in bedrooms as well [...]

Introduction to Research for Essay Writing (Coursera)

Course 4: Introduction to Research for Essay Writing. This is the last course in the Academic Writing specialization before the capstone project. By the end of this course, you will be able to complete all the steps in planning a research paper.