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Speaking and Presenting: Poise (Coursera)

Poise is not some elusive or innate characteristic. It’s a series of choices, all of which can help you better connect with your intended audience. This course will help you identify those choices and teach you how to consistently make them.

Songwriting: Writing the Music (Coursera)

If your notebook is full of unused lyrics and you’re struggling to find inspiration for the music, this course is for you. Whether you are an experienced songwriter looking for new ideas or a beginning songwriter learning to read music, this course will lead you to a rich source [...]

Guitar Scales and Chord Progressions (Coursera)

You’ve got the guitar basics down: You can strum your guitar and play a few of your favorite songs, but you’re ready to take the tunes to the next level. In Guitar Scales and Chord Progressions you’ll expand your knowledge of scales, chord fingerings, and common chord progressions. You’ll [...]

The Music of American English Pronunciation (Coursera)

In this third course of The Pronunciation of American English specialization, you will learn and practice the "music" of American English, the features of pronunciation such as stress, rhythm, and intonation that will help improve your listening comprehension as well as your ability to communicate more clearly. Each week [...]

Teoria Musical (Coursera)

Explore os elementos básicos que compoem a música, desenvolva sua percepção, tire músicas de ouvido, e aprenda a ler e escrever usando notação musical. Procuramos criar um curso que unisse a cultura e música brasileira com técnicas de aprendizado de solfejo e leitura rítmica. Você fará parte de uma [...]

Getting Started With Music Theory (Coursera)

This course is a brief introduction to the elements of music theory for those with little or no music theory experience. We will explore pitch, rhythm, meter, notation, scales, keys, key signatures, meter signatures, triads, seventh chords, and basic harmony. If you listen to music or play music by [...]

Sharpened Visions: A Poetry Workshop (Coursera)

Why just write poems when you can write better ones? This course is built on the notion that the most exciting writing begins after the first draft. It is specifically for folks who believe that writing poems just to express oneself is like using the Internet just for email. [...]

Fundamentals of Music Theory (Coursera)

This course will introduce students to the theory of music, providing them with the skills needed to read and write Western music notation, as well as to understand, analyse, and listen informedly. It will cover material such as pitEli Appleby-Donaldches and scales, intervals, clefs, rhythm, form, meter, phrases and [...]

Art of the MOOC: Experiments with Sound (Coursera)

Students of this course may try their hand at their own sound interventions and musical compositions, or simply focus on learning more about diverse musical traditions, sonic experimentation, and acoustic phenomena in everyday life. Designed by artist and Duke professor, Pedro Lasch, and UdK composer Mathias Hinke, this course [...]

Fundamentos de la guitarra eléctrica y acústica (edX)

Desarrolla las habilidades musicales necesarias para tocar la guitarra acústica o eléctrica. Este curso de guitarra te lleva de la teórica musical a la práctica. Este curso de música enfocado en cómo tocar guitarra te permitirá conocer e implementar los conocimientos necesarios para aprender a tocar guitarra eléctrica o [...]