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Water Surface Waves: Finite-amplitude waves (edX)

Self Paced
Water Surface Waves: Finite-amplitude waves (edX)
Course Auditing
To understand non-linear water wave theories and perturbation methods. This course covers fundamentals of nonlinear water waves based on perturbation methods. After reviewing basic techniques of perturbation methods, we study solutions for Stokes waves of deep water. After identifying the limitation of Stokes waves solution in shallow water, we [...]

Introductory Statistics : Sample Survey and Instruments for Statistical Inference (edX)

The purpose of this course is to introduce basic concepts of sample surveys and to teach statistical inference process using real-life examples. In this course, you will learn about sample surveys with the concepts of samples and populations. In addition, we will discuss possible problems(bias) of the surveys based [...]

Counseling Practice and Research (edX)

Self Paced
Counseling Practice and Research (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn about the stages and processes of counseling, counseling techniques, and interesting and up-to-date research methods. Counseling and Psychotherapy Studies seeks to understand and clarify our mind’s pains, sufferings, and illnesses, and to explore and practice various coping methods. In this “Counseling Practice and Research” course, you will experience [...]

Environmental Engineering: Drinking Water Treatment (edX)

Understand what makes water clean or dirty and what are being done at water treatment facilities to make water safe to drink. This course will cover fundamental science and engineering principles dealing with natural and water environmental systems. First, we focus on what influences water quality and what are [...]

SDG: Moving Towards Sustainable Work (edX)

Decent work is thecritical engine of sustainable development. This course explores the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals and mechanisms for developing decent and sustainable work. The United Nations' Sustainable Development 2030 Agenda gives us the opportunity to change and improve the lives of millions of people. These widespread efforts [...]

Interdisciplinary Teaching with Museum Objects (edX)

Educators from four Smithsonian museums will explore connections among their collections and model teaching strategies that participants can implement with their students, whether online or in the classroom. Teachers, don't miss this special opportunity to learn with four Smithsonian museums from [...]

Academic Writing Made Easy (edX)

Struggling with writing an academic text? This MOOC will ease the pain – and make your writing shine. This MOOC takes you through the basics of academic writing step by step. From structuring and organising an academic text to avoiding common pitfalls that can negatively affect your credibility, this [...]

Counseling and Psychotherapy Theory (edX)

Learn about the theories of counseling and psychotherapy on human change through an easy-to-understand overview. Counseling and Psychotherapy Studies seeks to understand and clarify our mind’s pains, sufferings, and illnesses, and to explore and practice various coping methods.

Introduction to Economics: Macroeconomics (edX)

Learn how a national economy works, including the determination of equilibrium levels of national income and prices. In this economics course, you will learn some of the major concepts of macroeconomics, such as gross domestic product, price level, inflation, unemployment, economic growth and the balance of [...]

Introduction to Java Programming: Writing Good Code (edX)

Learn to program in an easy and interactive way and enter the fascinating world of computer science. This is an introductory course to learn programming with Java designed to teach how to code good programs in Java, understanding “good” as both correct and efficient. Basic principles of software engineering [...]