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Recuperación de proyectos en crisis (Coursera)

Te damos la bienvenida al curso Recuperación de proyectos en crisis. Este es el cuarto, y último, curso que forma parte del Programa Especializado en Gerencia de Proyectos Complejos de Ingeniería, ofertado por la Universidad de los Andes, disponible en la plataforma Coursera. Soy Andrés Felipe Gómez y durante [...]

Oil & Gas Industry Operations and Markets (Coursera)

The oil and gas industry has an enormous impact on all aspects of daily life. Individuals, corporations, and national governments make financial and policy decisions based on the cost, use, and availability of these two natural resources. This two-week course looks at the two most fundamental aspects of the [...]

Amazon DynamoDB: Building NoSQL Database-Driven Applications (edX)

Self Paced
Amazon DynamoDB: Building NoSQL Database-Driven Applications (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn how to build scalable applications using Amazon DynamoDB. This course introduces you to NoSQL databases and the challenges they solve. Expert instructors will dive deep into Amazon DynamoDB topics such as recovery, SDKs, partition keys, security and encryption, global tables, stateless applications, streams, and best [...]

Helping patients recover from breast cancer treatment: a programme to prevent shoulder problems (FutureLearn)

Learn to identify patients at high risk of pain and disability after non-reconstructive breast cancer surgery and how to help them. Learn how breast cancer treatment can cause shoulder pain and how to overcome it. This course will equip you with an in-depth understanding of the side effects of [...]

Science of Stroke Recovery (edX)

Learn rationales behind the stroke care pathway for supporting treatments and rehabilitation. The real-life stroke scenario presented in ANA101x Human Anatomy has invited vigorous discussions on whether fully recovery from a severe stroke is possible and how it could happen. The knowledge of anatomy has arisen a series of [...]

Fondements du rétablissement (edX)

Le rétablissement en santé mentale, c’est beaucoup plus que l’absence de maladie ou de troubles psychiques. Il s'agit en fait bien davantage d’un processus de changement continu par lequel les personnes avec l’expérience vécue d’un problème de santé mentale améliorent globalement leur santé et leur bien-être, mènent une vie [...]

Community Preparedness, Recovery and Resilience: An Introduction (FutureLearn)

No sessions available
Community Preparedness, Recovery and Resilience: An Introduction (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Explore disaster management and how communities can build resilience and cope after a disaster. Discover the challenges of building resilience in communities. A community can experience a range of direct and indirect impacts as a result of a disaster. On this course, you will be able to examine the [...]

The European Union: Crisis and Recovery (FutureLearn)

Available Now
The European Union: Crisis and Recovery (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
This course will develop your understanding of the recent history of the European Union and its prospects for the future. Learn about the recent challenges faced by the European Union. The fascinating course is designed to inform the public about the principal challenges that have faced the European Union [...]

Réhabilitation Améliorée après Chirurgie (FUN)

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Réhabilitation Améliorée après Chirurgie (FUN)
Free Course
Améliorer la prise en charge chirurgicale de nos patients, accélérer la reprise d’une activité autonome, limiter les complications liées à la chirurgie, et ainsi, diminuer les durées de séjour hospitalier, ce sont les bénéfices de la Réhabilitation Améliorée Après Chirurgie (RAAC). La RAAC vise en effet à accélérer le [...]

Understanding Drugs and Addiction (FutureLearn)

How do addictions develop? How are they best treated and how are they prevented? This course explores these key questions further.