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Microeconomics: When Markets Fail (Coursera)

Perfect markets achieve efficiency: maximizing total surplus generated. But real markets are imperfect. In this course we will explore a set of market imperfections to understand why they fail and to explore possible remedies including as antitrust policy, regulation, government intervention. Examples are taken from everyday life, from goods [...]

Why Business? What is the Role of Business in a Just and Humane Society (Coursera)

The course examines the common perceptions of business (both positive and negative) and the role of business in a market economy by first introducing the main elements of a market economy, and then presenting opposing points of view of this economic model.The course encourages reflection upon the possibility that [...]

Mercado e Títulos de Renda Fixa e de Renda Variável (Coursera)

Sep 23rd 2024
Mercado e Títulos de Renda Fixa e de Renda Variável (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Mercado e Títulos de Renda Fixa e de Renda Variável. Neste curso, você aprenderá sobre mercado de renda fixa, mercado de renda variável e derivativos, análise crítica dos fatos e acontecimentos econômicos e suas relações com o mercado financeiro e a gestão empresarial. Também serão [...]

Estrutura e Funcionamento do Mercado (Coursera)

Sep 23rd 2024
Estrutura e Funcionamento do Mercado (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Nossas boas-vindas ao Estrutura e Funcionamento do Mercado. Neste curso, você aprenderá sobre a importância do mercado financeiro e de capitais e sua estrutura e funcionamento.

Research Report: Delivering Insights (Coursera)

You have completed all the hard work of conducting your internal, secondary, and primary research. You have analyzed all the data and are able to formulate insights and recommendations based on your research proposal. But what is the best way to present your findings and be able to make [...]

Market and Competition in Pricing Strategy (Coursera)

If you haven’t considered what the competition is charging, you may not be maximizing your revenue. Spend time analyzing the market and you can influence price and improve margins. In this course, we'll show you how to implement competitive pricing and avoid common legal pitfalls of market-based pricing. You [...]

Finance for Everyone: Markets (Coursera)

Markets begins with one of the most common and important elements of the financial system – interest rates. You will learn why interest rates have always been a key barometer in determining the value of everything. You will explore the changing influence of interest rates; the impact of interest [...]

Firm Level Economics: Consumer and Producer Behavior (Coursera)

All goods and services are subject to scarcity at some level. Scarcity means that society must develop some allocation mechanism – rules to determine who gets what. Over recorded history, these allocation rules were usually command based – the king or the emperor would decide. In contemporary times, most [...]

Understanding Financial Markets (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn what the main financial markets and their characteristics are as well as how they are linked to the economy. Our very diversified team of experts will start by teaching you how the price of stocks and bonds are computed and why they move [...]

Starting a Business 3: Customers and Competitors (FutureLearn)

Sep 23rd 2024
Starting a Business 3: Customers and Competitors (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Find out how understanding and targeting your market can help your business stand out from the crowd. To run a successful business you need to understand who your customers are and importantly, how you are going to reach them.