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Cities are back in town : urban sociology for a globalizing urban world (Coursera)

Sep 23rd 2024
Cities are back in town : urban sociology for a globalizing urban world (Coursera)
Free Course
Urbanization is reaching a new peak in the contemporary world with the rise of mega cities. Researchers try to make sense of these large urban areas using a variety of concepts. The class will review debates and present social science models of cities to analyse and compare contemporary developments. [...]

Sustainable Urban Development (edX)

Learn why cities are key in resolving global urbanization and sustainability challenges and how you can engineer tomorrow’s cities today. Did you know that cities take up less than 3% of the earth’s land surface, but more than 50% of the world’s population live in them? And, cities generate [...]

Nature Based Metropolitan Solutions (edX)

Discover the potential benefits of nature-based solutions (NBS) in metropolitan areas and develop strategies for their implementation. How can ecosystems contribute to quality of life and a more livable, healthier and more resilient urban environment? This course establishes the priorities and highlights the direct values of including principles based [...]