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Dasar-Dasar Dukungan Teknis (Coursera)

Materi ini adalah rangkaian pertama dari keseluruhan program pelatihan yang akan membantu Anda untuk berperan sebagai Spesialis Teknisi IT tingkat pemula. Dalam kursus ini, Anda akan diperkenalkan ke dunia Teknologi Informasi, atau IT. Anda akan mempelajari berbagai aspek Teknologi Informasi, seperti perangkat keras komputer, Internet, perangkat lunak komputer, pemecahan [...]

Managing Linux Systems (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Managing Linux Systems (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course, we look at how to manage a system with the Linux operating system installed. The course material is a good for anyone preparing for the Linux Foundation Certified IT Associate (LFCA) exam or just interested in learning more about Linux.

Linux Fundamentals (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Linux Fundamentals (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is the first of a series that aims to prepare you for a role working as an information technology professional. In this course, you will be introduced to the Linux operating system. You will learn about the licensing model and several Linux distributions. We will go through [...]

Linux Cloud and DevOps (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Linux Cloud and DevOps (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course, we look at Cloud, DevOps and the Linux operating system. The course material is a good for anyone preparing for the Linux Foundation Certified IT Associate (LFCA) exam or just interested in learning more about Linux. This course is the fourth course in a series that [...]

Securing Linux Systems (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Securing Linux Systems (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course, we look at security and the Linux operating system. The course material is a good for anyone preparing for the Linux Foundation Certified IT Associate (LFCA) exam or just interested in learning more about Linux. This course is the third course in a series that aims [...]

Sistemas operativos y tú: Convertirse en un usuario avanzado (Coursera)

En este curso, a través de una combinación de conferencias de video, demostraciones y prácticas, aprenderás acerca de los componentes principales de un sistema operativo y cómo realizar tareas críticas tales como administrar software y usuarios, y configurar hardware. Vamos a terminar con un ejemplo de cómo puede aparecer [...]

Fundamentos do Suporte Técnico (Coursera)

Ele é o primeiro de uma série que visa prepará-lo para entrar no mercado de TI como especialista de suporte técnico. Neste curso, apresentaremos o mundo da Tecnologia da Informação, ou TI. Você aprenderá sobre diversas facetas da Tecnologia da Informação, como hardware, software, internet, resolução de problemas e [...]

Check Point Jump Start: Harmony Endpoint Security (Coursera)

Harmony Endpoint is a complete solution that protects the remote workforce from today’s complex threat landscape. It prevents the most imminent threats to the endpoint such as ransomware, phishing, or drive-by malware, while quickly minimizing breach impact with autonomous detection and response.

Real-Time Project for Embedded Systems (Coursera)

The final course emphasizes hands-on building of an application using real-time machine vision and multiple real-time services to synchronize the internal state of Linux with an external clock via observation. Compare actual performance to theoretical and analysis to determine scheduling jitter and to mitigate any accumulation of latency. [...]

Fundamentals of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (Coursera)

This course will provide you with a basic introduction to Linux® skills using Red Hat® Enterprise Linux 8. It will show you how a Linux system is organized, and will demonstrate introductory system administration tasks, which you will be able to practice on your own. You will be introduced [...]