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Dasar-Dasar Dukungan Teknis (Coursera)

Materi ini adalah rangkaian pertama dari keseluruhan program pelatihan yang akan membantu Anda untuk berperan sebagai Spesialis Teknisi IT tingkat pemula. Dalam kursus ini, Anda akan diperkenalkan ke dunia Teknologi Informasi, atau IT. Anda akan mempelajari berbagai aspek Teknologi Informasi, seperti perangkat keras komputer, Internet, perangkat lunak komputer, pemecahan [...]

Mathematics for Computer Science (Coursera)

Welcome to Introduction to Numerical Mathematics. This is designed to give you part of the mathematical foundations needed to work in computer science in any of its strands, from business to visual digital arts, music, games.

Princípios básicos de apoio técnico (Coursera)

Este curso é o primeiro de uma série que visa a sua preparação para uma função de especialista de apoio técnico de TI de nível básico. Neste curso, ser-lhe-á apresentado o mundo das TI (Tecnologias de Informação). Vai descobrir as diferentes facetas das Tecnologias de Informação, como o hardware [...]

FPGA Capstone: Building FPGA Projects (Coursera)

This course will give you hands-on FPGA design experience that uses all the concepts and skills you have developed up to now. You will need to purchase a DE10-Lite development kit. You will setup and test the MAX10 DE10-Lite board using the FPGA design tool Quartus Prime and the System Builder.

Graph Search, Shortest Paths, and Data Structures (Coursera)

The primary topics in this part of the specialization are: data structures (heaps, balanced search trees, hash tables, bloom filters), graph primitives (applications of breadth-first and depth-first search, connectivity, shortest paths), and their applications (ranging from deduplication to social network [...]

How Computers Work: Demystifying Computation (edX)

Self Paced
How Computers Work: Demystifying Computation (edX)
Course Auditing
Explore the fundamentals of computing: computer architecture, binary logic, data processing, circuits & more. On this course, you’ll gain an understanding of how computers work at a fundamental level.

IP Subnetting (BHI)

This short course looks at some of the basics underlying network addressing and subnetting, from converting numbers between binary and decimal, to designing an addressing scheme for a network.