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Energy Efficient Programming (openHPI)

Mar 27th 2023
Energy Efficient Programming (openHPI)
Free Course
Efficiency in computer science often refers to the runtime or memory usage, that a certain algorithm needs to produce an output. However, efficiency can also describe the amount of energy, that is consumed by the hardware during the runtime of an algorithm. This course explains the relevant computer architecture [...]

Time Management for Beginners (edX)

Today, people find it hard to get time. There is so much to do and so little time on hand. Interestingly, we all have the same time, and we all have 24-hour days. It depends on how you use that time. We cannot store time, nor can we borrow [...]

Cómo implantar grupos de mejora de procesos (edX)

Aprende las fases de la mejora de procesos, las características del equipo de trabajo ideal y técnicas para implementar grupos de resolución de problemas. Cuando hacer las cosas bien no es suficiente, necesitamos convertir la mejora continua en un lema diario para todos los trabajadores de la [...]

Sustainability in Architecture: An Interdisciplinary Introduction (edX)

This course introduces the basic elements and trends that define sustainability practices in Architecture today. It follows an interdisciplinary approach that includes performance assessment and urban policies. This course offers an interdisciplinary approach to sustainability in Architecture. Learners will be introduced to the basic elements of sustainability [...]

Feedback : A Powerful Tool for Efficiency and Effectiveness (edX)

In most of the studies and literature on Organisational Behaviour, little has been said or written about feedback and its powerful impact. Because of its evaluative and corrective nature, it has a strong impact on the receiver's thoughts. There are two sides to every feedback situation: the giver and [...]

Energía inteligente para un futuro sostenible (URJC)

No session available
Energía inteligente para un futuro sostenible (URJC)
Course Auditing
El panorama energético mundial, dominado por una demanda creciente de energía a escala global que se sustenta en el consumo masivo de energías fósiles, conlleva importantes retos a los que debe hacer frente nuestra sociedad. Planificar nuestro futuro energético es trascendental para lograr el avance de la humanidad. Sin [...]

Python in High Performance Computing (FutureLearn)

Learn how to analyse Python programmes and identify performance barriers to help you work more efficiently. Speed up Python programs using optimisation and parallelisation techniques.