Business Finance

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Modelización Cuantitativa para Finanzas Corporativas (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Modelización Cuantitativa para Finanzas Corporativas (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Este es un curso de modelización cuantitativa pensado para su aplicación en el ámbito de finanzas corporativas. En este curso aprenderás cómo explotar de la mejor forma los datos que alimentan a los modelos financieros. En la "era de los datos", cada vez más las organizaciones cuentan con [...]

Emprendiendo en STEM (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Emprendiendo en STEM (Coursera)
Course Auditing
El objetivo de este curso es inspirar a las mujeres que están en el mundo de la ciencia, la tecnología, la ingeniería y las matemáticas (STEM, siglas en inglés) a descubrir su espíritu emprendedor y adquirir herramientas prácticas para la creación y el crecimiento de compañías. Se propone hacerlo [...]

Quickbooks Level 3 (edX)

Apr 8th 2024
Quickbooks Level 3 (edX)
Course Auditing
Unlock the power of financial management with QuickBooks from Intuit for Education! Dive into this essential course to streamline accounting, automate transactions, and gain real-time insights into business finances. Perfect for small business owners and aspiring accountants, QuickBooks mastery ensures accurate, time-saving financial tasks and compliance with tax regulations. [...]

Introduction to Financial Markets (Coursera)

Learn the general concepts of financial markets and economy. You will see the difference between primary and secondary markets and learn about markets for different products. You will also look at various economic Indicators and their influence on the markets. After completing this course, you will have a much [...]

Mergers and Acquisitions – The Relentless Pursuit of Synergy (Coursera)

The area of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) is special in finance. Incredible amounts of money are employed in such transactions. Deals draw a lot of public attention and dispute. Oftentimes, stories look more like fairy tales rather than financial reality. The key idea in any M&A transaction is to [...]

Principles of Corporate Finance – A Tale of Value (Coursera)

The study of Corporate Finance seems to be a very generic part of business education. Still, it either falls in the trap of intimidating formulas or is superficially journalistic. Both extremes preclude the understanding of the core finance ideas, concepts, and models. This Course is an attempt to avoid [...]

Core Concepts of Accounting – Numbers and People (Coursera)

Whenever the word “accounting” is pronounced, it is immediately associated with the need to memorize endless boring numbers. However, it is the common financial statements that contain important information that provides inputs for valuation of investment projects. The only challenge is how to properly extract them. Accounting and finance [...]

Financial Modeling for Subscription Software: Cohort Analysis (Skillshare)

Self Paced
Financial Modeling for Subscription Software: Cohort Analysis (Skillshare)
Free Course
This class is for entrepreneurs with a subscription software business looking to delve deeper in understanding their user signup --> revenue flow. Building your model by cohort will give you tons of additional flexibility to change cost and growth assumptions and give insights to the KPIs that investors, boards, [...]