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Business Intelligence and Competitive Analysis (Coursera)

By the end of 2019, it is clear that American Airlines (AAL), the world’s largest airline group, is in trouble. With the growth rate of its stock price ranked at the bottom of all major US airlines and going in the opposite direction from the SP500 index, AAL needs [...]

Computer Simulations (Coursera)

Big data and artificial intelligence get most of the press about computational social science, but maybe the most complex aspect of it refers to using computational tools to explore and develop social science theory. This course shows how computer simulations are being used to explore the realm of what [...]

Building Fintech Startups in Emerging Markets (Coursera)

Starting a small business in an emerging market can be very rewarding. Many of entrepreneurship opportunities in emerging markets arise out of necessity, or the drive to solve a real need or a social problem. Thus emerging markets often offer huge opportunities for disruptive innovation. Entrepreneurship has contributed to [...]

How Entrepreneurs in Emerging Markets can master the Blockchain Technology (Coursera)

In this course, you will gain a thorough understanding of the blockchain and distributed ledger technologies, including an introduction to the necessary foundations in cryptography. The course will discuss blockchain as a distributed ledger and introduce distributed consensus as a mechanism to maintain the integrity of the blockchain. The [...]

Applied AI with DeepLearning (Coursera)

This course, Applied Artificial Intelligence with DeepLearning, is part of the IBM Advanced Data Science Certificate which IBM is currently creating and gives you easy access to the invaluable insights into Deep Learning models used by experts in Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Time Series Analysis, and many other [...]

Optimizing Machine Learning Performance (Coursera)

This course synthesizes everything your have learned in the applied machine learning specialization. You will now walk through a complete machine learning project to prepare a machine learning maintenance roadmap. You will understand and analyze how to deal with changing data. You will also be able to identify and [...]

Solar Energy Codes, Permitting and Zoning (Coursera)

This course equips learners to identify national code and zoning rules specific to photovoltaic (PV) systems, as well as key design elements and points for inspection. Curriculum includes zoning variances, critical elements of the permitting process, planning documents necessary for PV system installation and recommendations for permitting offices to [...]

High Stakes Leadership: Leading in Times of Crisis (Coursera)

This course has been designed to help leaders, like you, learn how to effectively navigate the challenges of significant organizational disruptions. As a participant in this course, you’ll discover why an understanding of various stakeholder perspectives can inform and dramatically improve a leader’s response to events that threaten an [...]

Culminating Project in Health Informatics (Coursera)

This capstone course in the Health Informatics Specialization will allow learners to create a comprehensive plan for an informatics intervention of their choosing, and that will demonstrate to current or future employers the new skills obtained through the completion of this series of five courses in Health [...]

Analytical Solutions to Common Healthcare Problems (Coursera)

In this course, we’re going to go over analytical solutions to common healthcare problems. I will review these business problems and you’ll build out various data structures to organize your data. We’ll then explore ways to group data and categorize medical codes into analytical categories. You will then be [...]