Fintech Startups

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Building Fintech Startups in Emerging Markets (Coursera)

Starting a small business in an emerging market can be very rewarding. Many of entrepreneurship opportunities in emerging markets arise out of necessity, or the drive to solve a real need or a social problem. Thus emerging markets often offer huge opportunities for disruptive innovation. Entrepreneurship has contributed to [...]

Capstone Course: Start Up Your Fintech Future (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Capstone Course: Start Up Your Fintech Future (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This is the final course in the Fintech Emerging Markets specialization. This course assumes you have completed the first three courses of this specialization. For this capstone project, you will need to prepare a business model canvas and pitch for your startup. This will involve identifying opportunities for a [...]
Apr 22nd 2024
Course Auditing
32.00 EUR/month