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Lesson | Telephone Language (Coursera)

This lesson is part of a full course, Speak English Professionally: In Person, Online & On the Phone. Take this lesson to get a short tutorial on the learning objectives covered. To dive deeper into this topic, take the full course. By the end of this lesson, you will [...]

Introduction to solar cells (Coursera)

How do solar cells work, why do we need, and how can we measure their efficiency? These are just some of the questions Introduction to solar cells tackles. Whether you are looking for general insight in this green technology or your ambition is to pursue a career in solar, [...]

Learn to Speak Korean 1 (Coursera)

Welcome to Learn to Speak Korean 1! This course is for beginner students who are familiar with the Korean alphabet, Hangeul. Through this course students will learn the skills essential for daily interactions with Koreans while living in Korea. This course consists of six modules, and each module is [...]

Adjectives and Adjective Clauses (Coursera)

Being able to adeptly use adjective clauses in speaking and writing is useful for upper level English learners. Adjectives and adjective clauses are very common in English, so students need to be able to understand them when they see them or hear them. Students often struggle to bring complexity [...]

Introduction to Research for Essay Writing (Coursera)

Course 4: Introduction to Research for Essay Writing. This is the last course in the Academic Writing specialization before the capstone project. By the end of this course, you will be able to complete all the steps in planning a research paper.

Grammar and Punctuation (Coursera)

Course 1: Grammar and Punctuation. Do you need to review English grammar? Have you forgotten the grammar you once studied? If so, this course is perfect for you. The first course in this specialization is a refresher on some tools needed for good writing. It will help prepare you [...]

Build Your Professional ePortfolio in English (Coursera)

Roughly half of the world’s population is already online and so setting yourself apart from the crowd is more important than ever before. One of the best ways to do that is by creating your own ePortfolio. An ePortfolio is a site that showcases or shows your [...]

Introduction to Big Data (Coursera)

Interested in increasing your knowledge of the Big Data landscape? This course is for those new to data science and interested in understanding why the Big Data Era has come to be. It is for those who want to become conversant with the terminology and the core [...]

Trabaja inteligentemente, no más duro: Gestión del tiempo para la productividad personal y profesional (Coursera)

Podrás aplicar los conocimientos que adquieras en cuanto a conciencia personal y profesional, organización y compromiso, y utilizar las herramientas, técnicas y métodos aprendidos para fijarte metas, jerarquizar tareas, programar y delegar, todo con el fin de superar las dificultades asociadas a la gestión del tiempo y mejorar la [...]