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Sustainable Development - Ideas and Imaginaries (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Sustainable Development - Ideas and Imaginaries (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Ideas and imaginaries inspire human capacity for great endeavours, but ‘conventional wisdom’ frequently prevents necessary change. Achievement of global sustainable development is, therefore, dependent on a profound comprehension of the preunderstandings and implicit imaginaries that form both our perception of reality and our basic confidence in the viability of [...]

Old Norse Mythology in the Sources (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Old Norse Mythology in the Sources (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is an introduction to the religion of the Vikings as it is recorded in Old Norse and Scandinavian literature from the medieval period. You will learn about the different written sources and what they can teach us about pre-Christian religion in northern Europe in the Viking Age. [...]

Thought Experiments: An introduction to philosophy (Coursera)

Doing philosophy is like seeing a movie and wondering what will happen next, or what you would do in the same situation, or what’s real and what’s merely make-believe. You’re probably not aware of it, but since you already know how to see movies and use your imagination, you’re [...]

Philosophy and the Sciences: Introduction to the Philosophy of Physical Sciences (Coursera)

What is the origin of our universe? What are dark matter and dark energy? This is the first part of the course 'Philosophy and the Sciences', dedicated to Philosophy of the Physical Sciences. Scientific research across the physical sciences has raised pressing questions for philosophers. The goal of this [...]

Chosen Issues in Holocaust History (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Chosen Issues in Holocaust History (Coursera)
Free Course
The Holocaust - what do we know about it and what more can we learn? This course provides a broad and in-depth look at central topics relating to the history of the Holocaust. It examines the events and processes that took place during these earth-shattering years through new and [...]

Antisemitism: From Its Origins to the Present (Coursera)

In this course, 50 leading scholars from all over the world will explore questions and issues relating to antisemitism including: what is antisemitism? How has it changed throughout history? Why can it be found among so many diverse cultures, and even among opposing ideologies? What happened to antisemitism after [...]

Know Thyself - The Value and Limits of Self-Knowledge: The Unconscious (Coursera)

A challenging but fascinating topic on the way to achieving self-knowledge is the unconscious. For well over a century, psychologists, philosophers, and many others have posited a level of mentality that is not immediately open to introspection; some would even say that certain unconscious elements cannot be known through [...]

Revolutionary Ideas: Utility, Justice, Equality, Freedom (Coursera)

What is the purpose of government? Why should we have a State? What kind of State should we have? Even within a political community, there may be sharp disagreements about the role and purpose of government. Some want an active, involved government, seeing legal and political [...]

Know Thyself - The Value and Limits of Self-Knowledge: The Examined Life (Coursera)

According to legend, inscribed on walls of the temple on the sacred site of Delphi in Ancient Greece were two premier injunctions: NOTHING IN EXCESS, and KNOW THYSELF. This course will be an examination of the latter injunction in an effort to discover what self-knowledge is, why it might [...]

Curanderismo: Traditional Healing of the Body (Coursera)

As the second of four courses on Curanderismo, the art of Hispanic/Latino traditional medicine, this course focuses specifically on traditional healing of the body. As an educational and cultural platform, this course will share a number of traditional body therapies.