International Development

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Participación eficaz de la sociedad civil en el desarrollo (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Participación eficaz de la sociedad civil en el desarrollo (Coursera)
Free Course
Las organizaciones de la sociedad civil (OSC) son actores clave del desarrollo y tienen aportes valiosos que ofrecer. Desempeñan diversas funciones —por ejemplo, en materia de asistencia humanitaria, prestación de servicios, investigación, formulación de políticas, así como asegurar la rendición de cuentas de parte de gobiernos y otros grupos [...]

L’engagement efficace de la société civile dans le développement (Coursera)

Les organisations de la société civile (OSC) sont des acteurs clés du développement qui ont des contributions précieuses à apporter. Elles jouent une multitude de rôles – notamment en lien avec l’aide humanitaire, la prestation de services, la recherche et l’élaboration de politiques, et avec la responsabilisation des gouvernements [...]

Effective Engagement of Civil Society in Development (Coursera)

Civil society organizations (CSOs) are key actors in development that have valuable contributions to make. They play a multitude of roles - including in relation to humanitarian assistance, service-delivery, research and policy development, and pursuing accountability from governments and other stakeholders – all of which can significantly contribute to [...]

Management of International Development: Towards Agenda 2030 (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Management of International Development: Towards Agenda 2030 (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Welcome! This course provides participants with the opportunity to explore the multifaceted concept of international development in order to be able to interpret and lead its challenges, opportunities and constant evolutions. Starting from an in-depth analysis of the current international development architecture, its key actors and trends, the course [...]

Gender and Development (FutureLearn)

Jul 3rd 2023
Gender and Development (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Does gender matter in international and community development? Find out in this free online course. Explore the relationship between gender and development. This online course explores why gender matters in contemporary international and community development, asking you to: explore the challenges for achieving gender justice throughout the world; examine [...]

Why Does Media Matter for Development? (FutureLearn)

Jun 20th 2022
Why Does Media Matter for Development? (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Explore how the media can help to tackle poverty and inequality all around the world. Learn why the media matters for international development. This comprehensive four-week course will show you the ways that international development is conceptualised, imagined and communicated as an area of study. You’ll decipher the ways [...]

Sustainable Development Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals (CanopyLAB)

Self Paced
Sustainable Development Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals (CanopyLAB)
Free Course
The Sustainable Development Goals present an ambitious vision for the future ad it calls on many stakeholders to work in tandem and support each other. From government to civil society, from private companies to social enterprises, each must acknowledge their responsibility and embrace their role in making the goals [...]

Sustainable Development Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (CanopyLAB)

Self Paced
Sustainable Development Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (CanopyLAB)
Free Course
This course takes you around the world to see what it means to work for peace, justice, and inclusion, and what happens when these conditions are absent in a society. On this topic, individuals play a hugely important role as witnesses and first-hand victims when institutions do not treat [...]

Sustainable Development Goal 15: Life On Land (CanopyLAB)

Self Paced
Sustainable Development Goal 15: Life On Land (CanopyLAB)
Free Course
Humans rely heavily on agriculture, both as an economic resource and for social development. It is what brings food to the table and it is also an important source of income for many families and countries, especially in Africa and Latin America. At the same time, natural resources such [...]

Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water (CanopyLAB)

Self Paced
Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water (CanopyLAB)
Free Course
You might not constantly think about it, but oceans are a crucial part of the ecosystem that makes Earth habitable for humans. More than half of the oxygen we breathe comes from algae, and the oceans absorb a large amount of the carbon dioxide released by human activities, thus [...]