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Classical papers in molecular genetics (Coursera)

You have all heard about the DNA double helix and genes. Many of you know that mutations occur randomly, that the DNA sequence is read by successive groups of three bases (the codons), that many genes encode enzymes, and that gene expression can be regulated. These concepts were proposed [...]

Industrial Biotechnology (Coursera)

Fossil fuels have been the primary energy source for society since the Industrial Revolution. They provide the raw material for the manufacture of many everyday products that we take for granted, including pharmaceuticals, food and drink, materials, plastics and personal care. As the 21st century progresses we need [...]

Biochemistry: Biomolecules, Methods, and Mechanisms (edX)

Apr 2nd 2024
Biochemistry: Biomolecules, Methods, and Mechanisms (edX)
Course Auditing
Enhance your scientific thinking and data analysis skills with this in-depth adventure through biochemistry. Do you want to prepare for medical school, study a STEM field, become a research scientist, or transition to a career in the booming biotechnology industry? Or maybe you just want to understand the chemical [...]

Principles of Biochemistry (edX)

This introduction to biochemistry explores the molecules of life, starting at simple building blocks and culminating in complex metabolism. Principles of Biochemistry integrates an introduction to the structure of macromolecules and a biochemical approach to cellular function. Topics addressing protein function will include enzyme kinetics, the characterization of major [...]

Science & Cooking: From Haute Cuisine to Soft Matter Science (physics) (edX)

Top chefs and Harvard researchers explore how traditional and modernist cooking techniques can illuminate basic principles in chemistry, physics, and engineering. Learn about elasticity, viscosity, mayonnaise, baking, and more! In this course, which investigates physical transformations in food, we will be visited by world-famous chefs who use a number [...]

Bioorganic Chemistry (saylor.org)

Legacy Course
Bioorganic Chemistry (saylor.org)
Free Course
Bioorganic chemistry studies the chemistry of organic biomolecules. It is a rapidly growing interdisciplinary field that combines organic chemistry and biochemistry.

Biochemistry (saylor.org)

Legacy Course
Biochemistry (saylor.org)
Free Course
Biochemistry is the study of the chemical processes and compounds, such as cellular makeup, that bring about life in organisms. It is a combination of multiple science fields; you can think of it as general and cell biology coupled with organic and general chemistry.