Medieval Spain

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A Journey through Western Christianity: from Persecuted Faith to Global Religion (200 - 1650) (Coursera)

This course follows the extraordinary development of Western Christianity from its early persecution under the Roman Empire in the third century to its global expansion with the Jesuits of the early modern world. We explore the dynamic and diverse character of a religion with an enormous cast characters. We [...]

Coexistence in Medieval Spain: Jews, Christians, and Muslims (Coursera)

This course explores Jewish, Christian, and Muslim intercultural relations in Iberia from the Visigothic era (6th century CE) until the creation of Queen Isabel I and King Ferdinand II Catholic Spain (late 15th century). We evaluate the many identities of the peninsula known as Christian Hispania, Jewish Sefarad, and [...]

Toledo: Deciphering Secrets of Medieval Spain (Coursera)

This course evaluates the medieval history of Toledo from the era of the Visigoth Kingdom (6th-8th centuries) through its Islamic period (8th to 11th centuries) and into its reintegration into Christian Spain (after 1085 c.e.) In particular, we take note of the cultural and religious transformations that characterized the [...]

Burgos: Deciphering Secrets of Medieval Spain (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Burgos: Deciphering Secrets of Medieval Spain (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This advanced course focuses on two primary goals: (1) appraising how Jews, Christians, and Muslims shaped the history of medieval Spain and (2) mastering the craft of Spanish paleography, the skill of identifying Spanish handwriting in the 11th- through 15th-century manuscripts. Through the lens of the medieval history of [...]

Deciphering Secrets: Unlocking the Manuscripts of Medieval Toledo (Spain) (edX)

Explore the medieval city of Toledo (Spain) and assess its history of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim religious and cultural coexistence. This course evaluates the medieval history of Toledo from the reign of King Alfonso “The Wise” (1252-1284) until the creation of the blood purity statutes in the [...]