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Coexistence in Medieval Spain: Jews, Christians, and Muslims (Coursera)

This course explores Jewish, Christian, and Muslim intercultural relations in Iberia from the Visigothic era (6th century CE) until the creation of Queen Isabel I and King Ferdinand II Catholic Spain (late 15th century). We evaluate the many identities of the peninsula known as Christian Hispania, Jewish Sefarad, and [...]

A Journey through Western Christianity: from Persecuted Faith to Global Religion (200 - 1650) (Coursera)

This course follows the extraordinary development of Western Christianity from its early persecution under the Roman Empire in the third century to its global expansion with the Jesuits of the early modern world. We explore the dynamic and diverse character of a religion with an enormous cast characters. We [...]

Europe and the World, ca. 1500 to 1914 (Coursera)

The course aims to introduce the audience to global history from the European discovery of the Americas to the coming of the First World War. These transformative four centuries of the human experience traditionally called Modern history saw the growing economic, military, and political ascendancy of the European states [...]