Supervised Learning

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Applied Data Science (FutureLearn)

Develop your data science and analytics skills and improve your understanding of using data in the workplace. Have the opportunity to build data science skills to advance your career. On this course, you’ll be introduced to the tools and techniques used in applied data science. You’ll explore the answers [...]

Introduction to Machine Learning and AI (FutureLearn)

Discover the fundamentals of machine learning, how it works, and learn to train your own AI using free online tools. Build your knowledge and skills in machine learning. From self-driving cars to determining someone’s age, artificial intelligence (AI) systems trained with machine learning (ML) are being used more and [...]

Machine Learning (Coursera)

Machine learning is the science of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed. In the past decade, machine learning has given us self-driving cars, practical speech recognition, effective web search, and a vastly improved understanding of the human genome. Machine learning is so pervasive today that you probably [...]

S'initier à la Data Science et à ses enjeux (FUN)

Self Paced
S'initier à la Data Science et à ses enjeux (FUN)
Free Course
La Data Science d’un monde qui change ! La Big data, et plus généralement l’analyse de données, occupent une place de plus en plus importante au sein des stratégies de nombreuses organisations. Suivi de performance, analyse des comportements, découvertes de nouvelles opportunités de marché : les applications sont multiples, [...]

Predictive Analytics: Solving Business Problems Using Machine Learning and Big Data (FutureLearn)

Explore how predictive models can help businesses use data to identify risks and discover new opportunities. Discover how predictive analytics could transform your business As businesses accrue more and more data about their customers – from their behavioural history to their transactions – being able to use ‘Big Data’ is [...]

Künstliche Intelligenz und maschinelles Lernen für Einsteiger (openHPI)

Hier lernen Jugendliche und andere Interessierte ohne Programmier-Erfahrung und technisches Hintergrund-Wissen, die Welt des maschinellen Lernens und der künstlichen Intelligenz zu verstehen. Wir führen Sie dazu in die grundlegenden Konzepte ein. Dabei erfahren Sie, wo die Unterschiede zwischen herkömmlicher Programmierung und der Entwicklung selbstlernender Software liegen. Anhand von Beispielen [...]

Machine Learning (Udacity)

Supervised, Unsupervised & Reinforcement. Machine Learning is a graduate-level course covering the area of Artificial Intelligence concerned with computer programs that modify and improve their performance through experiences. The first part of the course covers Supervised Learning, a machine learning task that makes it possible for your phone to [...]

Introduction to Machine Learning Course (Udacity)

Self Paced
Introduction to Machine Learning Course (Udacity)
Free Course
This class will teach you the end-to-end process of investigating data through a machine learning lens. Learn online, with Udacity. Machine Learning is a first-class ticket to the most exciting careers in data analysis today. As data sources proliferate along with the computing power to process them, going straight [...]

Introduction to Machine Learning for Trading (quantra.quantinsti)

Self Paced
Introduction to Machine Learning for Trading (quantra.quantinsti)
Free Course
A free course to get you started in using Machine Learning for trading. Understand how different machine learning algorithms are implemented on financial markets data. Go through and understand different research studies in this domain. Get a thorough overview of this niche field.

Distributed Machine Learning with Apache Spark (edX)

Learn the underlying principles required to develop scalable machine learning pipelines and gain hands-on experience using Apache Spark. Machine learning aims to extract knowledge from data, relying on fundamental concepts in computer science, statistics, probability and optimization.