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Calculus: Single Variable Part 1 - Functions (Coursera)

Calculus is one of the grandest achievements of human thought, explaining everything from planetary orbits to the optimal size of a city to the periodicity of a heartbeat. This brisk course covers the core ideas of single-variable Calculus with emphases on conceptual understanding and applications. The course is ideal [...]

Single Variable Calculus (Coursera)

Calculus is one of the grandest achievements of human thought, explaining everything from planetary orbits to the optimal size of a city to the periodicity of a heartbeat. This brisk course covers the core ideas of single-variable Calculus with emphases on conceptual understanding and applications. The course is ideal [...]

Pre-Calculus (Coursera)

Curso diseñado para facilitar la entrada del estudiante en los cursos de cálculo de primer semestre de prácticamente cualquier grado universitario, con especial énfasis en Ciencias e Ingeniería.

Basic Mathematics (Coursera)

Welcome to Basic Mathematics course! This course provides elementary introduction to basic mathematics concepts and their applications. In this course, you will be introduced to Complex Numbers, Quadratic Equations, Trigonometry, Matrices, Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus and Ordinary Differential Equations along with the applications of each concept. After completing this [...]

Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations (Coursera)

In this introductory course on Ordinary Differential Equations, we first provide basic terminologies on the theory of differential equations and then proceed to methods of solving various types of ordinary differential equations. We handle first order differential equations and then second order linear differential equations. We also discuss some [...]

Álgebra Básica (Coursera)

Galileo dijo: "El Universo está escrito en lenguaje matemático y los caracteres son triángulos, círculos y otras figuras geométricas, sin las que es humanamente imposible entender una sola palabra". Para entender el Universo, es necesario plantear leyes que expliquen su comportamiento, como pueden ser las leyes de la gravedad, [...]

Cálculo Diferencial e Integral unidos por el Teorema Fundamental del Cálculo (Coursera)

Apr 8th 2024
Cálculo Diferencial e Integral unidos por el Teorema Fundamental del Cálculo (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Los cursos de Cálculo Diferencial y Cálculo Integral tradicionalmente se ofrecen separados y respetando ese orden. El primero estudia la derivada, y el segundo, la integral, siendo este momento en el que aparece el Teorema Fundamental del Cálculo (TFC) para establecer la relación entre ambos conceptos. En el presente [...]

Analyse numérique pour ingénieurs (Coursera)

Ce cours contient les 7 premiers chapitres d'un cours donné aux étudiants bachelor de l'EPFL. Il est basé sur le livre "Introduction à l'analyse numérique", J. Rappaz M. Picasso, Ed. PPUR. Des outils de base sont décrits dans les 5 premiers chapitres. Les deux derniers chapitres abordent la question [...]

Finite Element Method (FEM) Analysis and Applications (edX)

Self Paced
Finite Element Method (FEM) Analysis and Applications (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn the basics of Finite Element Method (FEM), a numerical solution for structural analysis, and demonstrate its applications with MATLB and ANSYS. 本课程从数学力学原理、有限元建模及计算机实现等方面,完整阐述针对复杂工程问题分析的有限元方法。