Mathematical Analysis

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Equazioni differenziali lineari del secondo ordine (POK)

Il corso fornisce una introduzione semplice, ma rigorosa, alle equazioni differenziali lineari del secondo ordine. Il corso fornisce una introduzione semplice, ma rigorosa, alle equazioni differenziali lineari del secondo ordine, omogenee e non omogenee, e alla loro risoluzione nel caso di coefficienti costanti. Sono inoltre presentate le principali applicazioni [...]

Lectures on Selected Topics in Classical and Fluid Mechanics (Coursera)

This course is devoted to selected problems of classical (theoretical) and fluid mechanics which are usually remain outside the standard course of mechanics. Despite the fact that the course is aimed at students with an understanding of the methods and approaches of classical and fluid mechanics, several lectures of [...]

Mathematics for computer vision (Coursera)

The course is devoted to the systematization of the mathematical background of the students necessary for the successful mastering of educational disciplines in the field of computer vision. The course includes sections of mathematical analysis, probability theory, linear algebra.