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Algebra and Differential Calculus for Data Science (Coursera)

Are you interested in Data Science but lack the math background for it? Has math always been a tough subject that you tend to avoid? This course will teach you the most fundamental Calculus concepts that you will need for a career in Data Science without a ton of [...]

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Deep Dive (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Deep Dive (Coursera)
Course Auditing
DeFi and the Future of Finance is a set of four courses that focus on decentralized finance. The third course is called DeFi Deep Dive. It is essential that you do the first two courses I. DeFi Infrastructure and II. DeFi Primitives before doing this course. It is the [...]

Market Risk Management: Frameworks & Strategies (Coursera)

This course provides the foundation for understanding the frameworks used to develop market risk management strategies. You will identify the market risks associated with each type of financial instrument. You will be introduced to techniques for estimating the risk associated with each class of investments. [...]

Derivatives - Options & Futures (Coursera)

While investing and trading in the options market may seem somewhat more daunting than other asset classes such as stocks, bonds, exchange-traded funds, currencies and commodities, you’ll ultimately find that their complexity can be boiled down to simple concepts you’ll be able to understand and use the more you’re [...]

Derivatives (Coursera)

This course covers standard derivative pricing models. Both discrete time and continuous time techniques are considered. The course also includes an introduction to numerical option pricing, in particular the Monte Carlo Method.

Calculus for Machine Learning and Data Science (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Calculus for Machine Learning and Data Science (Coursera)
Course Auditing
After completing this course, learners will be able to: analytically optimize different types of functions commonly used in machine learning using properties of derivatives and gradients; approximately optimize different types of functions commonly used in machine learning using first-order (gradient descent) and second-order (Newton’s method) iterative methods; visually interpret [...]

Calculus through Data & Modeling: Differentiation Rules (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Calculus through Data & Modeling: Differentiation Rules (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Calculus through Data & Modeling: Differentiation Rules continues the study of differentiable calculus by developing new rules for finding derivatives without having to use the limit definition directly. These differentiation rules will enable the calculation of rates of change with relative ease the derivatives of polynomials, rational [...]

Calculus through Data & Modeling: Limits & Derivatives (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Calculus through Data & Modeling: Limits & Derivatives (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This first course on concepts of single variable calculus will introduce the notions of limits of a function to define the derivative of a function. In mathematics, the derivative measures the sensitivity to change of the function. For example, the derivative of the position of a moving object with [...]

Protecting Business Innovations via Copyright (Coursera)

Intellectual property rights (IPR) has a great impact on innovation development and society. In Science, Engineering, and Business, we seek to create wealth through innovation in products, designs, manufacturing processes, and business systems or models. However, innovation leaders often FAIL to benefit from their discoveries and inventions when they [...]

Quantitative Foundations for International Business (Coursera)

This course provides the essential mathematics required to succeed in the finance and economics related modules of the Global MBA, including equations, functions, derivatives, and matrices. You can test your understanding with quizzes and worksheets, while more advanced content will be available if you want to push yourself. This [...]