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BetOnMath for Citizens - Scommetti sulla matematica (POK)

Il percorso aiuta a svelare le insidie del gioco d’azzardo presentando in modo semplice ed intuitivo la Matematica che ne governa il funzionamento.

Métodos numéricos para matemáticas con Octave (edX)

En este curso en línea se hace una introducción a diferentes temas relacionados con la resolución numérica de ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias. En este curso de matemáticas se desarrollaran aspectos básicos relacionados con la resolución numérica de problemas de valor inicial asociados a ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias, tanto desde un punto [...]

Differential Equations: 2x2 Systems (edX)

This course is archived
Differential Equations: 2x2 Systems (edX)
Course Auditing
In order to understand most phenomena in the world, we need to understand not just single equations, but systems of differential equations. In this course, we start with 2x2 systems. Differential equations are the language of the models we use to describe the world around us. Most phenomena require [...]
This course is archived
Course Auditing
63.00 EUR

Calculus 1B: Integration (edX)

Sep 14th 2022
Calculus 1B: Integration (edX)
Course Auditing
Discover the integral---what it is and how to compute it. See how to use calculus to model real world phenomena. Part 2 of 3. How long should the handle of your spoon be so that your fingers do not burn while mixing chocolate fondue? Can you find a shape [...]

Calculus Applied! (edX)

Apply tools of single-variable calculus to create and analyze mathematical models used by real practitioners in social, life, and physical sciences. In this course, we go beyond the calculus textbook, working with practitioners in social, life and physical sciences to understand how calculus and mathematical models play a role [...]

Mathematics for economists (Coursera)

This course is an important part of the undergraduate stage in education for future economists. It's also useful for graduate students who would like to gain knowledge and skills in an important part of math. It gives students skills for implementation of the mathematical knowledge and expertise to the [...]

Jacobi modular forms: 30 ans après (Coursera)

This is a master course given in Moscow at the Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry of the National Research University Higher School of Economics by Valery Gritsenko, a professor of University Lille 1, France. Jacobi forms are holomorphic functions in two complex variables. They are modular in one variable and [...]

Maths Essentials (edX)

Discover and acquire the fundamental maths skills that you will need to use while studying an MBA program, from algebra to differentiation and geometric series. Planning to study for an MBA but unsure of your basic maths skills? All MBA programs, and in business generally require some maths, particularly [...]

Introduction to Galois Theory (Coursera)

A very beautiful classical theory on field extensions of a certain type (Galois extensions) initiated by Galois in the 19th century. Explains, in particular, why it is not possible to solve an equation of degree 5 or more in the same way as we solve quadratic or cubic equations. [...]

Algebra & Algorithms (Coursera)

Algebra is one of the definitive and oldest branches of mathematics, and design of computer algorithms is one of the youngest. Despite this generation gap, the two disciplines beautifully interweave. Firstly, modern computers would be somewhat useless if they were not able to carry out arithmetic and algebraic computations [...]