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Data Ethics, AI and Responsible Innovation (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Data Ethics, AI and Responsible Innovation (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Our future is here and it relies on data. Medical robots, smart homes and cities, predictive policing, artificial intelligences – all are fuelled by data and all promise new benefits to society. But will these innovations benefit everyone? Who stands to gain and who is put at risk? How [...]

Cloud Computing Law: Law Enforcement, Competition, & Tax (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Cloud Computing Law: Law Enforcement, Competition, & Tax (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Have you ever wondered how a police officer in Europe can obtain evidence from a cloud provider in the USA? Or whether a major cloud provider might abuse its market power? Or in which countries cloud providers pay taxes? If so, then this course is for you!

Cloud Computing Law: Data Protection and Cybersecurity (Coursera)

Vast amounts of personal information are processed in the cloud. But who is legally responsible for such ‘personal data’ in cloud environments? What duties do cloud providers like Amazon, Microsoft, and Google have? And what rights can you, as an individual, exercise under data protection law? If you’d like [...]

Digital Governance (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Digital Governance (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning, autonomous cars, chatbots, just a few terms that have become a part of our professional legal and political vocabulary. Emerging technologies and technological advancement have confronted us in our daily practice and will continue to do so in the future. Whether we’re buying [...]

Designing and Building Institutional Anti-Racist Spaces (Coursera)

Designing and Building Institutional Antiracist Spaces (D-BIAS) is a course whose mission is to teach and apply tenets of equity, anti-racism, and cultural justice to students from Institutions to achieve social change. The course is aimed at educators and administrators in educational spaces, lawyers and advocates in spaces that [...]

ERPO: A Civil Approach to Gun Violence Prevention Teach-Out (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
ERPO: A Civil Approach to Gun Violence Prevention Teach-Out (Coursera)
Free Course
Evidence shows that 1 life is saved for every 10-20 Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs) issued. ERPOs are legally issued civil orders that allow people on the front lines to ask a court to prevent a person at imminent risk of harm to themselves or others from purchasing or [...]

American Contract Law I (Coursera)

American Contract Law I (along with its sister course Contracts II) provides a comprehensive overview of contract law in the United States. The course covers most of the key concepts found in a first year law school class. Each lecture is based on one or more common-law cases, integrating [...]

American Contract Law II (Coursera)

Contracts I & II provides a comprehensive overview of contract law in the United States. The course covers most of the key concepts found in a first year law school class. Each lecture is based on one or more common-law cases, integrating legal doctrines with policy discussions. The course [...]

International Water Law (Coursera)

In recent decades, international law has undergone a series of major developments in order to accommodate the many new facets of freshwater management and protection. The adoption of universal, regional and basin instruments highlights how important it is to study the evolution of international water regulations and to be [...]

The Three Pillar Model for Business Decisions: Strategy, Law & Ethics (Coursera)

Successful decision making is based on three key pillars: strategy, law and ethics. After taking this course you will be able to use a practical framework based on these three elements to make successful business, personal and leadership decisions. This course opens with an example of a [...]